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卷 35, 编号 4 (2024)



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Functional aspects of memory and forgetting

Volobuev A., Romanchuk P., Romanchuk N., Krasnov S., Davydkin I.


On the basis of the synaptic connections dynamics between the neurons the processes of occurrence of memory, forgetting and appearances of the new information in a human brain are considered. It is marked, that the huge quantity of the synaptic connections inevitably results to them instability. Forgetting information in norm it is defined by the break of synaptic connections, and memory information it is connected to restoration of these connections. In norm there is a speed balance of these processes. However, if the torn synapse is reconnected to the spine of another neuron, the new information may appear in a brain. As consequence the forgetting the previous information is possible. It is essence of creative process. A savant syndrome and autism are connected to excessive durability of the synaptic connections that results in absence of creative abilities. The impossibility of described dynamics of a brain work technical modelling, i.e. creation of a full-fledged artificial intellect is marked. Some genetic-molecular aspects of the synaptic connections restoration are considered.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):5-8
pages 5-8 views

Accelerated recovery program in neurosurgery (current trends)

Yarikov A., Filyaeva A., Perlmutter O., Fraerman A., Tsybusov S., Mukhin A., Sosnin A., Gunkin I., Simonov A., Gunkin I., Simonov A., Istrelov A., Pavlova E., Volkov I.


Enhanced recovery program is a modern multimodal approach in the surgical treatment of a patient, which is aimed at faster recovery after surgery, reducing hospital stay and days of disability. The article describes in detail the activities carried out under this program, namely in the pre-hospital, hospital (preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative) and post-hospital period. Observing all the elements of this approach improves both the quality of medical care and patient satisfaction with the treatment.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):8-17
pages 8-17 views


Diseases of the aorta in pregnant women

Taradin G., Kartamysheva E., Rakitskaya I.


Aortopathy in pregnant women is caused by genetically determined connective tissue dysplasia (Marfan, Ehlers–Danlos, Loyes–Dietz syndromes, etc.). The most severe complication is aortic aneurysm and its dissection with a probability of fatal outcome. The key to preventing this complication is frequent repeat imaging (ultrasound is the method of choice) and interdisciplinary collaboration, planning and coordination of antenatal care, labor management and postnatal care.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):18-23
pages 18-23 views

For Diagnosis

Electroneuromyography as one of the methods of diagnostics of pathologies of different genesis (literature review)

Morozov A., Sorokovikova T., Naumova S., Kryukova A.


Modern possibilities of using the auxiliary method of electroneuromyography (ENMG) research by narrow specialists are multifaceted. This is primarily due to the safety and wide range of its use in clinical practice. Thus, diagnostics of the speed and time of the nerve impulse to organs and tissues, as well as the ability of the muscular apparatus to respond to stimulation of nerve endings is increasingly used in neurological, coloproctological, urological, surgical, endocrinological, pediatric specialties, in occupational medicine. The heterogeneity of the use of electroneuromyography in clinical medicine allows to identify functional and organic pathologies of the nervous and muscular apparatus, the causes of their occurrence and further development, the extent of the spread of the pathological process, as well as to establish the stages of the detected violation and assess possible risks for the subsequent life of patients. This is achieved by determining the main parameters of individual motor units that are functional elements of each skeletal muscle: shape, amplitude, duration, latent period of evoked potentials and analysis of spontaneous activity of the muscle fiber. Interpretation of the data obtained together with clinical manifestations of neuromotor diseases and with the results of additional research methods allow clinicians to make the correct diagnosis and choose the necessary tactics for managing patients with neuromuscular pathology.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):23-28
pages 23-28 views

Health Care Service

Substance use among young people during the COVID-19 pandemic

Amlaev K., Mazharov V., Kravchenko O., Zafirova V., Khubieva D.


The article discusses issues reflecting the use of psychoactive substances among young people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adolescence is an important stage of development, during which the foundation is often laid for future patterns of substance use. Both the amount and frequency of use during this period are closely related to the risk of excessive use and substance abuse in adulthood. The use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs in youth worsens psychological and neurocognitive development and increases the risk of academic failure, chronic and mental illnesses. Thus, the prevention of substance use among young people remains an important public health priority worldwide. Effective strategies should include educational campaigns, psychological support, and access to quality medical care. In addition, it is also necessary to provide youth with opportunities for an active lifestyle so that they can find alternative ways to relax and overcome stress. The support and care provided by parents, family and friends, as well as the structure, supervision and support provided by teachers and school staff, also play an important role.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):29-32
pages 29-32 views


The use of vitamin D preparations taking into account vitamin D-deficient conditions

Dontsеva E., Potupchik T., Gatskikh I., Shalda T.


Currently, much attention is being paid to the status of vitamin D as a biomarker of the general state of human health, since low levels of vitamin D are associated with a wide range of diseases. Vitamin D metabolism is complex. Vitamin D and its containers can have genomic and non-genomic activity.

The article presents the most common causes of vitamin D deficiency. Screening for vitamin D deficiency is shown in groups of patients with risk factors for its development. Individual features of vitamin D influence caused by genetic polymorphism of the VDR gene are described.

For the prevention and treatment of vitamin D-deficient conditions, the use of the vitamin D preparation colecalciferol is recommended. Drugs with high activity calcitriol and alfacalcidol are necessary in certain groups of patients for strict indications, in particular in the complex therapy of osteoporosis.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):32-35
pages 32-35 views

From Practice

Psycho-correction therapy of patients with «metabolically healthy» obesity

Khabibulina M., Elistratov D.


Were examined 37 patients with metabolically healthy abdominal obesity in the period of menopausal transition, in whom the association of hypoestrogenemia with psychological changes was revealed. It was found that the natural vitamin and mineral complex Eromax effectively affects the psychological state of the studied patients. This innovative drug has a comprehensive and versatile effect on the female body, allows you to safely normalize the hormonal background, levels clinical manifestations, increases libido, has a positive effect on biological age; activates metabolism, contributing to the burning of excess fat. All components of the drug are physiologically close to the human body and do not disrupt the natural processes occurring in it. The drug Eromax is highly effective, has a fairly wide range of effects, and has a complex harmonizing effect on the body.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):36-41
pages 36-41 views

Arterial hypertension as a component of metabolic syndrome in men in an open urban population

Kayumova M., Bessonova M., Troshina I., Akimov A., Petelina T., Lebedev E., Akimova E.


Purpose. To determine blood pressure (BP) levels and the prevalence of arterial hypertension (AH), as a component of metabolic syndrome, in men of an open urban population aged 25–64 years.

Materials and methods. A one-time epidemiological study was conducted on a representative sample of men 25–64 years old, formed from the electoral lists of citizens of the city of Tyumen in the amount of 1000 people, the response was 85.0%. To analyze the prevalence of AH as a component of the metabolic syndrome, the NCEP ATP III (2004), IDF (2005), All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology (2009) assessment criteria were used.

Results. The levels of systolic BP in men of the Tyumen population were high due to the average age groups of 35–44 and 45–54 years; in the same groups there was a significant increase in the average values and percentile distribution of the trait. According to the levels of diastolic BP in men of the Tyumen population, a directional age trend of the indicator was formed with a significant increase in its levels in each subsequent age group. In terms of the prevalence of AH, the standardized indicator in the male population of Tyumen 25–64 years old was 59.8%; a positive relationship was established with age in the younger and older age categories.

Conclusion. Thus, the study results obtained in an open urban population, which identified the most vulnerable age categories of men with regard to the development of metabolic syndrome, represent a scientific basis for the formation of a preventive program in the region.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):42-46
pages 42-46 views

Anti-ischemic and cardiometabolic therapy in cardiovascular pathology

Khabibulina M., Elistratov D., Shamilov M.


The purpose of this study was to study the effect of Kardioton therapy on myocardial ischemia in patients with arterial hypertension. The drug Kardioton is a natural cardioprotector; strengthens the heart muscle by improving its oxygen supply, stops inflammatory processes in the myocardium; has anti-ischemic, cardiometabolic, hypotensive effect. It is recommended for disorders of the cardiovascular system, with increased physical activity. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that Kardioton is well tolerated by patients and is an effective treatment: cardiometabolic and anti-ischemic effects due to normalization of cardiomyocyte metabolism have been obtained.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):47-50
pages 47-50 views

Atrial extrasystoles associated with hypervitaminosis D3 (clinical case)

Eremeev A.


The article discusses a clinical case of a patient with hypervitaminosis D3. Cholecalciferol intoxication occurred against the background of long-term oral use of vitamin complexes and was manifested by the manifestation of arrhythmic syndrome – frequent atrial extrasystole of the “P on T” type. The probable pathogenetic cause of arrhythmia was a violation of ion homeostasis in the form of hypercalcemia. Calcium imbalance, affecting cardiac conduction and automatism, can provoke cardiac arrhythmias by increasing the dispersion of refractoriness. At the electrophysiological level, the cause of early atrial ectopia is increased trigger activity during a period of relative cardiac refractoriness. Thus, hypervitaminosis D, associated with subclinical hypercalcemia, may have an arrhythmic "mask".

Vrach. 2024;35(4):52-56
pages 52-56 views

Treatment and prevention of venous thromboembolic complications: focus on sulodexide

Rodionova I., Vinogradova M., Skvortsova E., Skvortsov V.


Venous thromboembolic complications (VTEC) are a common pathology that includes pulmonary embolism and deep vein thrombosis of the lower extremities. Modern drug therapy for VTEC includes taking anticoagulants, which reduce the risk of VTEC recurrence to 1–2% of cases. The article discusses the drug sulodexide, which belongs to the class of heparinoids. Sulodexide is a relatively safe drug that has anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects, reducing the release of cytokines, chemokines and growth factors, as well as proteinases and degrading enzymes. When taken orally, there is no pharmacological interaction with substances aimed at treating vascular diseases, so it can be prescribed to patients with concomitant diseases.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):57-60
pages 57-60 views

Prehospital diagnosis of ischemic stroke (literature review)

Baranova A., Zmeeva E., Yusufov S., Mirzaeva S.


Ischemic stroke is a major medical and social problem, as it is characterized by high rates of morbidity, disability and mortality. Non-invasive diagnostic methods, such as magnetic resonance and computed tomography, make it possible to visualize this pathology and, based on the results obtained, formulate a diagnosis in order to prescribe appropriate therapy for effective treatment and improve the prognosis of the disease. In recent years, the concept of prehospital diagnosis of ischemic stroke has been introduced, including mobile ultrasound machines for ultrasound examination of cerebral perfusion, as well as mobile stroke units (MSU). It was found that treatment in the MSU, including prehospital imaging, resulted in significantly better clinical outcomes, both because of early initiation of systemic thrombolysis in the golden hour and because of improved triage of patients for subsequent endovascular thrombectomy. Further financial and economic evaluation of mobile stroke units is needed, including the analysis of the cost-effectiveness of the investment project and the possibilities of introducing this innovative approach to stroke diagnosis and treatment in Russia.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):61-66
pages 61-66 views

Botulinum toxin in modern cosmetology practice: from high efficiency to the problem of complications (analysis of clinical observation)

Tlish M., Sashko M., Shavilova M., Katz Y., Psavok F.


At the present stage, there has been an increase in the popularity of wrinkle correction using botulinum toxin, which is largely due to the quick and long-lasting result of this procedure. The accumulated scientific and practical experience shows that cosmetic injections of botulinum toxin are rarely accompanied by complications. However, due to the high demand for procedures and the significant commercialization of this area, cases of its implementation by persons without proper professional education and using non-certified injectables have become more frequent. This often leads to undesirable consequences of the procedure and late treatment of such patients in specialized medical institutions.

The article focuses on the fact that a prerequisite for this procedure is a high level of qualification of a dermatocosmetologist, the obligatory observance of the injection technique and the use of only certified medical preparations. In order to inform healthcare professionals about this problem, we present our own clinical observations of patients with complications after botulinum toxin injections performed by non-medical personnel.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):67-71
pages 67-71 views

Systemic lupus erythematosus in dermatological practice

Tlish M., Naatyzh Z., Kuznetsova T., Boiko N.


Despite significant advances in the study of the etiology and pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus, the diagnosis of this disease is currently still causing certain difficulties. The active role of dermatologists in the early detection of systemic indicators of the process can be of key importance and be a consequence of a more favorable course of the disease with timely interdisciplinary interaction. A competent approach to monitoring patients, constructive interaction in tandem between a dermatologist and a rheumatologist is the key to reliable diagnosis and early initiation of pathogenetic treatment. With such a variety of clinical manifestations, especially in atypical variants of the disease, verification of the diagnosis is difficult. In this regard, the article presents descriptions of two clinical cases of systemic lupus erythematosus in dermatological practice.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):71-75
pages 71-75 views

Quinquaud’s disease in the spectrum of concomitant dermatologic pathology

Tlish M., Sycheva N., Osmolovskaya P., Psavok F., Divin M.


Cicatrical alopecia is one of the acute issues of modern dermatology due to a permanent cosmetic defect in the form of bald areas with non-recoverable loss of hair follicles. Interrelation of cicatrical alopecia with other dermatoses and somatic diseases is also topical.

The article presents a clinical case of development of Quinquaud’s disease of the scalp combined with parapsoriasis lichenoides and multiple seborrheic keratosis on the top of already administered targeted therapy in connection with previously removed skin melanoma.

Among the features of this pathology, we noted: appearance of rashes after a past oncological disease, erythema diffusely spreading throughout the entire scalp, multiple follicular pustules and rapid formation of cicatricial atrophy, severe itching and soreness, resistance to the ongoing therapy, as well as multiple rashes on the skin of body and extremities in the form of lichenoid papules and plaques. For differential diagnostics, multifocal biopsic examination of the skin was carried out, which showed presence of histologic signs of three dermatoses, which make up a spectrum of the concomitant pathology in the patient.

Taking into account the important role of staphylococcal infection in the pathogenesis of Quinquaud’s disease and parapsoriasis lichenoides, we can assume similar pathogenetic mechanisms for the development of these diseases in the patient, associated with disorders of cutaneous microbiome. It is possible that a history of the oncological pathology and targeted therapy could lead to a decrease in resistance and suppression of the immune system, which was also a factor contributing to the development of concomitant dermatoses. Appearance of multiple eruptive seborrheic keratomas on skin of the body and extremities may be an indicator of a paraneoplastic process and require oncological screening.

Understanding the causes and common factors of formation of dermatoses comorbid with cicatricial alopecia is extremely important for a dermatologist, because it allows performing early diagnostics in a timely manner, assigning treatment and preventing development of the permanent cosmetic defect leading to a decrease in the quality of life.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):75-81
pages 75-81 views

Clinical effectiveness of emollients with 30% urea and antiseptic Dorogov's stimulator in liposomal form in the complex therapy of chronic dermatoses

Tlish M., Naatyzh Z., Kuznetsova T., Shavilova M.


One of the modern trends in the study of the protective barrier of the skin is the study of the dynamics of the skin process. As a result of the active inflammatory process, a decrease in moisture levels occurs, a violation of the hydrolipid mantle of the skin and a decrease in natural moisturizing factors. The formation and maintenance of a protective skin barrier is an important pathogenetic tool in the treatment of inflammatory dermatoses. Chronic dermatoses often require regular topical therapy, so safe, convenient and effective topical regimens with good cosmetic properties can be very beneficial for this group of patients. Moisturizing and barrier-restoring formulations are clinically recognized as valuable topical treatments for patients with chronic dermatoses.

Vrach. 2024;35(4):81-88
pages 81-88 views