The results of prenatal screening for chromosomal pathology in Moscow

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The paper gives the data from a prenatal screening of chromosomal pathology in Moscow in 2006-2008. The detection rate for Down's syndrome was 79.1% with 6.8% false-positive results. The maximum detection rate (93.1%) for fetal chromosomal diseases can be achieved by screening methods, by simultaneously taking into account the age of a pregnant woman, biochemical markers, and fetal nuchal thickness in the first trimester of pregnancy.

About the authors

Mark Arkad'evich Kurtser


V A Gnetetskaya

V V Mit'kin

I I Kalinovskaya

Yu Yu Kutakova

M A Kurtser

Center of Family Planning and Reproduction

Center of Family Planning and Reproduction

V A Gnetestskaya

Center of Family Planning and Reproduction

Center of Family Planning and Reproduction

V V Mitkin

Laboratory of Neonatal Screening, Children's Mental Hospital Six

Laboratory of Neonatal Screening, Children's Mental Hospital Six

I I Kalinovskaya

Moscow Department of Health Care

Moscow Department of Health Care

Yu Yu Kutakova

Moscow Department of Health Care

Moscow Department of Health Care


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