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The paper gives the results of studying the adaptation and functional state of the autonomic nervous system in the early neonatal period in babies born to mothers with anemias in relation to delivery options. One hundred and six neonates, including 81 babies born to mothers with anemias (of them 26 and 55 babies were born by cesarean section and vaginal delivery, respectively) and 25 infants born to mothers without anemia by vaginal delivery, were examined. The autonomic nervous system was judged from the results of physical examinations and the data of electrocardiography and cardiointervalography carried out by the standard procedures.
Pacemaker migration and arrhythmia were more frequently recorded at birth in the presence of enhanced sympathetic activity and impaired adaptation. Minimal exercise in babies born via vaginal delivery led to their body's exhaustion. On day 5 of life in the presence of diminished sympathetic activity, the infants born to mothers with anemias via cesarean section retained the previously detected changes in the pattern of cardiac arrhythmias and showed a rise in the incidence of tachy- and bradycardia and those who were born by vaginal delivery had an increase in the incidence of tachycardia. The exercise test was suggestive of an adequate response to exercise, which was manifested by more pronounced activation of the sympathetic nervous system and by the tension of adaptation. The established fact justifies the need for a follow-up of babies born to mothers with anemias, with the assessment of their health status and additional examinations in the critical age periods of development until compensation of detected impairments occurs. A list of therapeutic measures against the progression of found changes is given.

About the authors


Smolensk State Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care

Smolensk State Medical Academy, Russian Agency for Health Care

V V Derevtsov


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