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Background. Soft tissue rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common malignant tumor of the lower genital tract in children younger than 15 years of age. According to the data of investigators, the proportion of rhabdomyosarcoma is 8% of all cancers in children. Description. The paper describes a clinical case of vaginal tumor in a prepubertant girl in terms of the importance of timely identification of the cause of vaginal bleeding in girls. Conclusion. Bloody spotting in prepubertant girls requires special attention; its timely diagnosis and implementation of respective therapeutic measures will be able to preserve the girls’ health and life.

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Sobre autores

Zalina Batyrova

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D., a research associate of 2nd gynecological department (gynecology of children and youth) Moscow 117997, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Russia

Elena Uvarova

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, Professor, Head of the 2nd gynecological department (gynecology of children and youth) Moscow 117997, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Russia

Evgeniya Kogan

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

MD, professor, head of the 1st pathomorphological department Moscow 117997, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Russia

Zaira Kumykova

Research Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Perinatology, Ministry of Health of Russia

Ph.D., a research associate of 2nd gynecological department (gynecology of children and youth) Moscow 117997, Ac. Oparina str. 4, Russia


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  6. Рябов А.Б., Фигурин К.М., Нечушкина И.В., Жордания К.И., Капкова О.А., Казанцев А.П., Керимов П.А., Рубанский М.А., Рыбакова Д.В., Волкова М.А., Матвеев В.Б., Иванова Н.М., Поляков В.Г. Современные подходы в лечении детей с рабдомиосаркомой мочеполовой системы. Саркомы костей, мягких тканей и опухоли кожи. 2011; 3: 57-64.

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