New possibilities of therapy bacterial vaginosis: experience an antibiotic used concurrently with a prebiotic in bacterial vaginosis


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Objective. To evaluate the efficiency and safety of therapy for bacterial vaginosis (BV) with Lactogynal vaginal capsules and clindamycin vaginal cream 2%. Subjects and methods. Group 1 received clindamycin and Lactogynal for 7days, then only Lactogynal for 7days; Group 2 used clindamycin and Lactogynal for 7 days; Group 3 had clindamycin for 7 days, then Lactogynal for 7 days. After therapy, the patients were followed up for 15-24 days. Results. At 2 weeks after therapy, the clinical cure rates were 88.9% in Group 1, 86.4% in Group 2, and 87.0% in Group 3. The laboratory cure rates according to the Amsel criteria were 95.6, 93.2, and 93.5% in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively; those according to the Nugent criteria were 95.6, 90.9, and 93.5% in Groups 1, 2, 3. The PCR cure rates were 77.8, 61.4, and 69.6% in Groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The global assessment of clinical and laboratory efficiencies revealed that the total therapeutic cure rates were 66.7% in Group 1, 59.1% in Group 2, and 63.0% in Group 3. The therapy was proven to be no less effective in the study group (Group 1) than in the control group (Group 3). Conclusion. The trial showed that the regimen involving Lactogynal used concurrently with the antibiotic and that of sequential use of the former were comparably effective. The concurrent use of Lactogynal with antibacterial therapy to restore the normal vaginal microflora in the therapy of bacterial vaginosis can increase adherence to treatment, and, therefore, achieve its general effect.

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Sobre autores

Igor Manukhin

A.I. Evdokimov MGMSU

MD, Professor, Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology, Therapeutical Faculty

Vera Balan

Moscow regional Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

MD, Professor, Head of the Polyclinic Department

Yulia Dobrokhotova

N.I. Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

MD, Professor, Head of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of General Medicine

Viktoriya Krutova

Kuban State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, Professor of the Department of obstetrics, gynecology and Perinatology

Flora Kutueva

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

PhD, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology

Indira Sakhautdinova

FGBOU HE “Bashkir State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, Professor, Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology No. 1

Natalia Tapilskaya

Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

MD, Professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology with the course of gynecology for children

Natalia Fedulova

Aurora Medi LLC


Lyudmila Chernyshova

JSC “Inheritors”

obstetrician-gynecologist, Deputy chief physician


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