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Objective. To study the specific features of molecular genetic mechanisms regulating the hemostatic system in patients with diabetes mellitus. Subjects and methods. 110 patients with different types of diabetes mellitus in the third trimester of pregnancy were examined for polymorphism of genes encoding blood aggregation and folate metabolism; according to perinatal outcomes, the patients were divided into 2 groups: 1) 71 patients whose neonatal infants had been diagnosed with hypoxic-ischemic lesions of the central nervous system (CNS) in the early neonatal period (a study group); 2) 39 patients whose neonates had been found to have no hypoxic- ischemic lesions of CNS (a comparison group). Results. The performed study shows that a genetically determined abnormality of the hemostatic system is a predictor of chronic perinatal ischemia in the fetus and newborn infant of diabetic patients. Conclusion. To improve perinatal outcomes in pregnant women with diabetes it is necessary to detect the genetic polymorphisms and correct coagulation disorders associated with them in time.




Julia Shupletsova

Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: pjuly@mail.ru
post-graduate student Yekaterinburg 620028, Repina str. 1, Russia

Nadine Bashmakova

Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: dr@niiomm.ru
MD, Professor, Director Yekaterinburg 620028, Repina str. 1, Russia

Natalia Putilova

Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: putilova-l959@mail.ru
Ph.D., head of the scientific department of antenatal fetal protection Yekaterinburg 620028, Repina str. 1, Russia

Tatyana Tretyakov

Ural Research Institute of Maternal and Infant Care, Ministry of Health of Russia

Email: TbTretyakova@yandex.ru
MD, Senior Researcher of biochemical research methods Yekaterinburg 620028, Repina str. 1, Russia


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