Introduction in the theory of involvement of soil masses in movement with specific reference to the soil processing




Technologies of mechanical soil tillage assume its deformation and destruction. These processes are difficult for generalization and mathematical description. Basic provisions for determination of wave grounds of energy transfer in soil body during its deformation and destruction are proposed. A way to clarify the rational equation of academician Goryachkin V.P. concerning the traction resistance of tillage tools based on the principles of theory of involvement of soil masses in movement are suggested.


I Imamov

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

S Belov

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

Ye Vorobiov

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University

Russian State Agricultural Correspondence University


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版权所有 © Imamov I.S., Belov S.V., Vorobiov Y.I., 2012

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