Morphological and anatomical study of fruits of Crataegus flabellatа

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Introduction. On the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad, cardiotonic drugs based on the fruits of various species of the genus Crataegus L., Rosaceae family). One of the promising species for harvesting fruits may be the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch. The Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch has large juicy fruits that can be used as fresh, frozen and dried plant raw material for obtain the medicines.

The aim of the study is to study the morphological and anatomical features of the fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch in fresh, dried raw materials, as well as after defrosting.

Material and methods. The research material was fresh, dried and frozen fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch, collected on the territory of the Botanical Garden of Samara University in September 2022 during their ripening. The studies were carried out by light microscopy in transmitted and reflected light in a light field.

Results. Microscopic signs of the fruits of the Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K.Koch have similarities with the fruits of pharmacopoeia species of plants of the genus Crataegus L., while they are distinguished from the fruits of another North American species of Crataegus submollis Sarg. by the absence of significant pubescence of the fruit surface.

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About the authors

Julija A. Andreeva

Samara State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0135-1350

a postgraduate student of the department of pharmacognosy with botany and the basics of phytotherapy

Russian Federation, Chapaevskaya ulitsa, 89, Samara, 443099

Vladimir A. Kurkin

Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-7513-9352

Professor, Dr. Sci. of Pharmacy, Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy with botany and the basics of Phytotherapy

Russian Federation, Chapaevskaya ulitsa, 89, Samara, 443099

Ol'ga E. Pravdivceva

Samara State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3318-3168

Dr. Sci. of Pharmacy, Associate Professor, professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy with botany and the basics of Phytotherapy

Russian Federation, Chapaevskaya ulitsa, 89, Samara, 443099


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Fresh fruits of hawthorn fanleaf (Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch)

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3. Fig. 2. Dried fruits of hawthorn fanleaf (Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch)

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4. Fig. 3. Frozen fruits of hawthorn fanleaf (Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K. Koch)

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5. Fig. 4. Epidermis of hawthorn fanleaf fruit (Crataegus flabellata (Bosc ex Spach) K.Koch), surface section of fresh fruit (×100). Markings: 1 – epidermal cells, 2 – lenticle

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6. Fig. 5. Hawthorn fanleaf trichomes on sepals of the terminal rim (×100)

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7. Fig. 6. Cells of hawthorn fanleaf pulp (×100)

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8. Fig. 7. Cells of hawthorn fanleaf pulp (×100). Markings: 1 – calcium oxalate druses; 2 – carotenoid inclusions

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9. Fig. 8. Fragment of the endocarp of hawthorn fanleaf endocarp (×100)

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10. Fig. 9. Fragment of a hawthorn fanleaf seedling, longitudinal section (×100)

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