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Requirements for manuscripts

Submitted for publication in the editorial staff of “Farmatsiya”

Journal “Farmatsiya” has been published since 1952 once every 1.5 months (8 issues a year). Manuscripts for publication are accepted in professional standard Russian or English languages. 

Editorial post address: 6, 3rd frunsenskaya str., Moscow 119270, publishing house “Russkij vrach”, the editorial staff of “Farmatsiya”.

E-mail address: pharmacia@rusvrach.ru

Telephone number: +7(499) 242-35-94

Journal issues content and other useful information including full requirements for authors are available on the website of publishing house “Russkij vrach” - http://www.rusvrach.ru  and journal “Farmatsiya”  http://www.pharm.rusvrach.ru

  1. Journal profile

Journal “Farmatsiya” publishes articles on accomplished original studies in the scientific field of pharmacy that have not been previously published or submitted for publication including such subjects as: technology of medicinal forms, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy, organization and economics of pharmaceutical business, pharmacology - experimental and clinical, homeopathy (questions of standardization of homeopathic medicines)  as well as topical and review articles in these areas and articles on perfecting pharmaceutical education in Russia. 

Chronicles and book reviews are published on the initiative of the chief editor.

Brief communications are not accepted for publication. The editors reserve the right to recommend authors to shorten the manuscript (up to 15 pages of text and 3-5 figures or tables).

The publication of research results of post-graduate students is carried out free of charge.

By submitting an article, the author agrees that the copyright to it goes to the publisher if it is accepted for publication, at the time of its approval. Copyright includes exclusive rights to copy, distribute (including reprints, photographs, microforms, or any other form of reproduction of a similar nature), as well as translation of the article.

E-copy of the article should be sent to editor-in-chief, Tatyana Grigorieva, via email address of the editors pharmacia@rusvrach.ru. The article should be accompanied by a formal referral from the institution in which it was carried out (with a round seal), where necessary by expert opinion. The article should be accompanied by a review, no more than 3 pages, preferably from another university. The article must be signed by all authors. You cannot send to the editor articles, printed in other publication houses or sent to other journals.

Articles accepted for publication are tested for plagiarism and are going through the stage of scientific editing.

  1. Manuscript preparation for submission.

Manuscript send for submission to the editors should be prepared using the following guidelines. If the guidelines are not met the manuscripts will be returned without consideration.

The volume of the manuscript (including the text of the article, summary, keywords, list of references, tables, figures, information about the authors) should not exceed 20 pages.

The article is allowed to have no more than 5 authors (co-authors).

The article must be typed on a computer in the program Microsoft Office Word. All materials must be recorded in one file.

Typing options including tables, figures, charts, references, summaries, information about authors are: A4 paper format, Times New Roman font, 14 pt, 1,5 spacing, no spacing between paragraphs, all fields (top, bottom, left, right) 2.5 cm wide, text alignment in width, indent (paragraph) 1.25 cm, automatic hyphenation is prohibited.

All pages should have a continuous numbering in the lower right corner.

Figures and tables are located after the text of the article and the list of references on separate pages. Pages with pictures and tables are not numbered.

It is recommended to state the text in the past tense without using reflexive verbs.

The following structure should be maintained in the submitted manuscript: 

Title of the article:

  • The title of the journal section for which the article was prepared is printed in italics, centered.
  • The title of the article is printed in bold, as in аsentence (without underlining and discharging), centered. The title of the article should be short (no more than 8 words), but sufficiently informative and, if possible, reflect the main aim of the work. It is not recommended to start the title with the words "On the question of ..." or "Studying ..."
  • The authors' initials and surnames are printed in bold, centered. The last name is printed after the initials after space.
  • The full name of the institution(institutions) in which the author (authors) works and the address (country, zip code, city, street, house), should be aligned in the center. The names of the institution should not contain any abbreviations.

If there are several authors, each surname and a corresponding institution is given a digital index. If all authors work in the same institution - the index is not affixed, the institution is indicated once. If the author has several places of work, each is indicated by a separate digital index.

Information about the authors:

After the title of the article, the information about the authors is printed in the usual type (without italics or bold), justified in width. Information is indicated for EACH of the co-authors:

  • The author's full name is given in full followed by the position, full official name of the institution(without abbreviations), academic degree, (academic title is indicated only for professors), contact phone number, e-mail address. If the author works in several institutions, it is necessary to consistently indicate the position held and the full name of each institution, of which he is an employee.
  • All information about the authors is repeated in English. The most complete list of the names of institutions and their official English version can be found on the website RUNEB e-Library.ru

The information given in this section is published in a journal in accordance with international rules to enable scientific communication.

Abstract of the article:

The information about the authors of the article is followed by an abstract in usual (without italics or bold) and justified in width. The title "Abstract" is not printed.

The author’s abstract of the article is the main source of information in national and foreign information systems and databases indexing the journal. According to the summary of the article, the reader should understand the essence of the research in order to determine whether it is worth referring to the full text of the article for more detailed information. The abstract should state only the essential facts of the work. An abstract with keywords in Russian and English is mandatory for all articles.

For the original (experimental) articles, the abstract should be structured as the text of the article: Introduction, Purpose of the study, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion, Keywords. Each section is highlighted by paragraph. The section name is printed in bold. The summary volume is 200–250 words.

  • For review and topical articles, the structuring of the abstract is not carried out. The essence of the problem, the purpose of the article, the possibilities of practical application, etc. are set out in a concise form (not less than 200 words).
  • A separate line contains keywords(5–7 words in the nominative case) that contribute to indexing an article in search engines. If the object of study is a medicinal plant, its Russian and Latin names (with the indication of the author - for example, Mentha piperita L.) are indicated in the keywords. To select keywords in English, use the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) thesaurus of the United States: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/mesh 

The body of the article   

The original article should contain the following sections: a brief introduction, reflecting the state of the question at the time of writing the article and the aim of the present study, materials and methods, results and discussion, conclusion, list of references.

The section header is printed without underlining and discharging, in bold, as in the sentence, centered.

  • "Introduction". This section gives a brief theoretical underpinning of the study, its relevance, important points that remain unexplored at the moment, etc. The purpose of the study is formulated clearly and concisely. The formulation of the aim should not be replaced by a list of the methods used, the measured indicators and the formulation of the main result.
  • "Material and methods."The section should contain information about the study objective and the methods and techniques used. In case of a medicinal plant or medicinal plant raw materials, the full Russian and Latin name of the plant should be indicated, including the author of the classification, and the origin of the raw material - the place and time of harvesting. Information is provided on the analytical methods, instruments, reagents and standard samples used (the company is indicated in the original language and the country of origin in Russian). All information should be presented sufficiently to enable accurate and complete reproduction of the experiment. References to the techniques described in brief reports, thesis, and abstracts of dissertations are not recommended. It is advisable to give a summary of the analysis procedure or its principle. Following references to methods like “... determined by the method [12]” or “... as in [12]” are not allowed. At the end of the section, it is necessary to provide information on the statistical processing of the results, indicate how many replications (analytical or biological) were used in the calculation of the average values.
  •  “Results and discussion”.This section of the article presents the experimental results obtained during the study. The presentation of the material in the section should not be a retelling of the tables and graphs content. It is recommended to focus the readers’ attention on the nature and patterns of the presented results. In addition to the generally accepted abbreviations of units of measurement, physical, chemical and mathematical values and terms (for example, DNA), abbreviations of word combinations, often repeated in the text, are allowed. All alphabetic characters and abbreviations entered by the author should be deciphered in the text at their first mention. Abbreviations of simple words are not allowed, even if they are repeated frequently. The quantitative data in the article must be presented in the SI system. All pharmacopoeial preparations are given according to the nomenclature of the current State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation.

The aim of the discussion section is to summarize and explain (interpret) the results obtained. It is recommended to discuss not only the individual effects and results obtained but their combination as a whole, revealing causal relationships. Authors should compare the information obtained in the course of the experiment with one available in the literature, and show what its novelty is. When discussing the results their detailed secondary retelling should be avoided, and limited to references to tabular and illustrative material.

  • “Conclusion".The section gives the clearest possible wording of the main conclusion in accordance with the aim of the study formulated in the “Introduction”.


This section of the article provides a list of references. The section goes under the heading "Literature".

Author(s) is responsible for the accuracy of the data given in the list of references.

Only published materials given in the original language are cited in the list of references. Special attention should be paid to the fact that only peer-reviewed sources should be included in the list of references. Including orders, laws, departments' reports, statistical materials, dissertations, abstracts, textbooks and teaching aids in the list of references is not desirable. If necessary, information about orders, laws, reports of departments, statistical materials can be transferred to the text of the article itself. The bibliography should contain publications for the last 10 years.

References to Internet resources are allowed in limited quantities - no more than 3. Self-citations should be avoided unless it is deemed necessary (for example, if there are no other sources of information or the present work is carried out on the basis of or in continuation of cited studies). It is not allowed to include in the list of references sources that are not referenced in the text of the article. Bibliographic records should be compiled in accordance with all-Union State Standard (GOST) 7.0.5-2008.

References to the literature (for experimental works not less than 7 and not more than 15, for review articles - not more than 25) are indicated in the order of citation in the manuscript. The text refers to the ordinal number of the cited work in square brackets [1] or [1, 2]. Each link in the list of references is given with a new line. A bibliographic record is compiled once, but it can be referred to repeatedly in the text.

The reference to the literature must contain the full name of the authors, the title of the article, bibliographic output. Shortening of the article title is not allowed.

When referring to journal articles(the most frequent source of information for citations), the following template should be followed:

Author A., Co-author B. Name of the article. Name of the journal. Year; volume (number): p.- p. DOI.

Points are necessary after the initials of the authors. The title of the article and the journal should not be separated by “//” sign.

When referring to journal articles, the DOI (Digital Object ID) - digital document identifier- needs to be specified. Information about DOI is in the publication itself, as well as on the pages of publications on the websites of journals. You can check for DOI through PubMed or using the service in the CrossRef system (https://www.crossref.org/guestquery).

The name of the English-language journals should be given in accordance with the MedLine database catalog (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nlmcatalog/journals/). Titles may be abbreviated. Usually, this form of writing is independently accepted by the publication. It can be obtained on the publisher website or on international databases websites:


If the journal is not indexed in MedLine, you must specify its full name. The names of domestic journals and other sources (conference materials, collections, etc.) cannot be abbreviated.

Example: Hashimoto S., Gonzalez G., Harada S. еt al. Recombinant type Human mastadenovirus D85 associated with epidemic keratoconjunctivitis since 2015 in Japan. JMedVirol., 2018; 90 (5): 881–889. DOI: 10.1002/jmv.25041 

If the list of references mainly includes Russian sources, the author should make a second list of references (under the heading References) where they should be translated into English. If, on the contrary, foreign sources are mainly mentioned in the list of references, their translation into English should be given in the same list next to Russian sources in square brackets. When translating Russian-language sources into English, the names of the authors and the names of journals and other sources must be provided in a transliterated version. The title of the article is given in English translation. Transliteration should be carried out in the BSI standard (automatically transliterated in the BSI standard at http://ru.translit.net/?account=bsi) preserving of the style of the Russian-language source.

Example: Шишкова В.Н. Адашева Т.В., Ременник А.Ю. и др. Предикторы развития повторного ишемического инсульта. Врач, 2018; 29 (2): 38–44. [Shishkova V., Adasheva T., Remennik A. et al. Predictors of recurrent ischemic stroke. Vrach,  2018; 29 (2): 38–44.(in Russian)]. DOI: 10.29296/25877305-2018-02-10

When referring to a website, it is necessary to describe the source: indicate the name of the site, the name of the document posted on it, then after the words «Доступнона» / “Available at” give the active link, for example: http://www.hep-druginteractions.org; at the end, in square brackets, it is desirable to indicate the date of treatment. For example: [Accessed 20 May, 2015]. (The link should not be in the following formhttp://www.who.int/flunet).

Государственная фармакопея РФ XIIIизд. [Электронноеиздание].Режимдоступа:http://femb.ru/femlThe State Pharmacopoeia оf The Russian Federation, XIII-ed. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: http://femb.ru/feml (in Russian)

Requirements for figures and tables 

Tables. Overloading the text of the article with tables is not recommended (based on the nature of the study - no more than 3-4 tables). All tables should have a numbered heading and clearly marked columns that are convenient and understandable for reading, fractional values should be comma-separated, processed statistically (for example, 2.145 ± 0.002). Abbreviations of words in the tables are not allowed. These tables should correspond to the figures in the text, but they should not duplicate the information presented. References to tables in the text are required.


Table 2

Heading. Heading. Heading.(justified alignment.)

Illustrative material (graphs, charts, diagrams, photographs, screenshots) should not duplicate the contents of the tables. A maximum number of illustrations is 4–5. Each figure must be accompanied by a numbered figure name. References to figures in the text are required. If there is just one table or figure the number is not assigned.

Graphic material (graphs, charts, diagrams) drawn by means of MS Office should be contrast and clear. Acceptable colors of drawings are black, white, gray, hatching. Captions to the figure: each figure must have a common title and a transcript of all abbreviations. In the captions to the graphs, the notation along the abscissa and ordinate axes and units of measurement are indicated, and explanations are given for each curve.

The illustrations should be made in a separate file and saved as an image (in the format * .jpeg, * .bmp), and then placed in the manuscript file as a fixed picture. It is unacceptable to put any elements on top of the image (arrows, signatures) inserted into the manuscript file using MS WORD tools due to the high risk of their loss during the editing and layout stages.

Photos, screenshots (screen prints of monitors) and other non-drawn illustrations are given in black and white. Photographs should have a numerical designation of the features shown. Captions for microphotographs indicate the magnification rate; the names of the indicated signs are given.

Photos must not only be inserted into the text of the manuscript but also downloaded separately as files of the format * .jpeg, * .bmp (* .doc and * .docx - in case additional marks are made on the image). Image resolution should be> 300 dpi. Image files must be assigned a name corresponding to the number of the figure in the text. In the file description, a caption should be given separately, which should correspond to the name of the photo placed in the text.

If the manuscript contains drawings previously published in other editions (even if their elements are translated from a foreign language into Russian), the author must provide the editorial office permission of the copyright holder to publish this image in another journal (with the correct indication of the corresponding journal), and otherwise it will be considered plagiarism.

Compliance with ethics. To publish the results of the original work, it is necessary to specify whether the research participants signed informed consent. In the case of animal studies, it is necessary to inform whether the study protocol complied with ethical principles and standards for conducting biomedical research involving animals.

Additional information

Acknowledgments. Authors can express gratitude to people and organizations that contributed to the publication of the article in the journal but are not its co-authors.

Information on the conflicts of interest. Authors must disclose potential and apparent conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. The form of the corresponding letter is sent to the authors after the decision on accepting the article for publication. Any situation that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data or changes the interpretation can be considered a conflict of interest (financial relations, service or work in institutions that have a financial or political interest in published materials, official duties, etc.) The concealment of potential and apparent conflicts of interest by the authors revealed by the editors may cause a refusal to review and publish the manuscript.




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The affiliation work and e-mail address of the authors of the manuscript accepted for publication will be published in the section "information about the authors" of the printed version of the journal and in the section "about the authors" on the page of the article on the website of the journal.

The phone number of the corresponding author will be known only to the editorial Board Secretariat and will only be used in cases of emergency.
