Evaluation of drug supply to certain categories of the population of Saint Petersburg



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Introduction. An effective system for providing medications to patients is a basis for the quality of medical services, which emphasizes the need to improve the mechanism for the distribution of financial resources in the Russian healthcare system between participants in the implementation of territorial state guarantee programs for the free provision of health care to citizens. Objective: to assess the provision of drugs to certain categories of the population of Saint Petersburg Material and methods. The authors used materials on the implementation of state assistance programs for the population of Saint Petersburg: data from the reports of the Health Committee and the City Finance Committee over time in 2015-2017, as well as methods for comparative, structural-logical, and systems analyses. Results. Funding for the state program «The Development of Healthcare in Saint Petersburg» was ascertained to increase every year. The contribution of budgetary funds was not equivalent at the federal and regional levels; the amount of financing the subject of the Russian Federation exceeded the federal one by 1.5, 2.0, and 3.8 times in 2015, 2016, and 2017, respectively, which is suggestive of the high burden on regional budgets. Analysis of the efficiency indices of the state program «The Development of Healthcare in Saint Petersburg» in 2015 and 2017 demonstrated noticeable changes. A positive trend was noted in a number of indicators: all-cause mortality (a 3.4% reduction), tuberculosis mortality (a 28% decrease), morbidity due to socially significant diseases, etc. Close attention should be paid to mortality from coronary heart disease; such patients require a more effective medical approach and improvement of preferential provision of medicines. Conclusion. The regional budget of Saint Petersburg exceeds federal subsidies by an average of 2 times; the greatest contribution is made by the provision of drugs to the population groups approved by Government Order No. 890 dated July 30, 1994, including the provision of essential medicines for cancer patients, which demonstrates positive changes in efficiency indices of the program. Mortality from coronary heart disease requires close attention to the elaboration of effective medical approaches and to the improvement of preferential drug provision.




Kseniya Kovaleva

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: xenia.zagvozdina@pharminnotech.com

Igor' Narkevich

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: igor.narkevich@pharminnotech.com

Oksana Nemyatykh

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: oksana.nemyatyh@pharminnotech.com

Yuliya Vasyagina

Saint Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical University

Email: yulia.vasyagina@pharminnotech.com


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