The physical nature of heterogeneity of the composition of river water

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Experimental data are presented to show that the spatial and temporal variability of the composition of river waters cannot be explained solely by the influence of sources and effluents of the substances and that there are additional significant factors that support or even initiate the dispersion of the concentration of pollutants here. This variation is reflected in the resources and the economic characteristics of the rivers; so identification of its reason is important. Thus, the hydrodynamic structure of the water flow is studied by analyzing the complete system of equations of fluid motion mechanics. The completed work allowed us to show that the elements of this structure are waves, vortices, and highly gradient layers (ligaments), presumably creating the described dispersion effect. Further investigation of the relationship of the precise hydrodynamic and hydrochemical structures of river waters will contribute to better understanding of the water-environmental processes, ensuring the perfection of water management methods.

About the authors

Yu. D. Chashechkin

Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, Moscow

O. M. Rosenthal

Water Problems Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Russian Federation, Moscow


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