Some properties of ultrafilters of widely understood measurable spaces

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Filters and ultrafilters (maximal filters) on the π-system with “zero” and “unit” are considered (here, π-system is a nonempty family of sets closed with respect to finite intersections); so, our π-system contains including and empty sets. Characteristic properties of ultrafilters obtained from special representations for bases of two typical topologies connected with construction of Wallman extension and Stone compactums are investigated. The topology of Wallman type on the ultrafilters set of arbitrary π-system with “zero” and “unit” is defined. In addition, initial set is transformed in a compact T1-space with points in the form of ultrafilters of above-mentioned π-system. Under equipment of the resulting ultrafilter set with two topologies (by sense, Stone and Wallman topologies), bitopological space with comparable topologies is obtained; for this space, the degeneracy (in the sense of coincidence for above-mentioned topologies) and nondegeneracy conditions are indicated. The initial set is immersed in above-mentioned bitopological space as everywhere dense subset. Resulting construction is oriented on application in extensions of abstract attainability problems with constraints of asymptotic character (we keep in mind the possible application of ultrafilters as generalized elements).

About the authors

A. G. Chentsov

Krasovskii Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Ural Federal University

Author for correspondence.

Corresponding Member of the RAS

Russian Federation, 16, S.Kovalevskoy street, Ekaterinburg, 620219; 51, Lenina ave., r. 262, Ekaterinburg, Russia, 620000


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