Models of riveting: asymptotic analysis of the Kirchhoff plates with Sobolev point conditions

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The Sobolev embedding theorem implies the correct setting at isolated points of the Dirichlet condition or the transmission conditions which simulate contact welding, binding by bolts or screws and so on. We consider the problems on bending the Kirchhoff plate with periodically distributed point supports and the joint of two plates by rows of rivets. Asymptotic analyzes performed provide asymptotic expansions of solutions and error estimates, namely, the one-dimensional model of a narrow plate and the transmission conditions at the common edge of two plates. The results of homogenization differ seriously in the cases of one or several rows of supports and rivets. In particular, one-row riveting provides only hinge joint of the plates (jumps of the rotation angles are allowed) but two-row riveting provides almost complete clutch which all elastic fields become in main continuous at the common edge.

About the authors

S. A. Nazarov

Saint-Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 7/9, Universitetskaya embankment, Saint-Petersburg, 199034


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