New views about the Sizim suite (Lower Permian, the Polar Urals)

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The article for the first time presents data on the material composition and structure of the Sezym Formation of the Lower Permian of the Western slope of the Polar Urals, which lies with stratigraphic disagreement on shallow medium-Carboniferous limestone and according to the overlapping deep-sea Artinian terrigenous deposits. New data are important for paleogeography and geodynamic reconstruction of the North-East of the European platform in the late Paleozoic.

About the authors

N. S. Inkina

N. P. Yushkin Institute of Geology of the Komi Science Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation, 54, Pervomayskaya str., Syvtyvkar, Komi Republic, 167982


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