G. V. Fleisher. Materials for the chemistry of the gray matter of the brain. "Russian Doctor". No. 12. 1908

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Having removed a layer of gray matter from the dog's bloodless brain, passing it through a sieve and centrifuging it, the author, using more or less complex methods of processing, tried to more accurately determine the chemical essence of the gray matter of the brain. The richness of substantiae grisiae in protein derivatives deserves special attention: the latter make up approximately ½ of the dense parts of substantiae. The content of lecithin is high. On the contrary, protagon and neurokeratin, apparently, are inherent only in the white matter of the brain, since these parts of the brain tissue were not discovered by the author's research.

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Снявши пластъ сѣраго вещества съ обезкровленнаго мозга собаки, проведя его чрезъ сито и процентрофугировавъ, авторъ съ помощью болѣе или менѣе сложныхъ способовъ обработки пытался точнѣе опредѣлить химическую сущность сѣраго вещества мозга. Особаго вниманія заслуживаетъ богатство substantiae grisiae бѣлковыми производными:—послѣднія составляютъ приблизительно ½ плотныхъ частей substantiae. Велико содержаніе лецитина. Напротивъ, протагонъ и нейрокератинъ, повидимому, присущи только бѣлому веществу мозга, такъ какъ изысканіями автора эти части мозговой ткани открыты не были.


About the authors

Ivan N. Zhilin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 1908 Zhilin I.N.

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