Vol XIII, No 2 (1905)

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From the Committee of the All-Russian Foundation for Mutual Aid to Physicians Victims of the Russo-Japanese War and their Families, at the St. Petersburg Medical Society of Mutual Aid

Nizhegorodtsev M.N.


At the St. Petersburg Medical Society for Mutual Aid, a commission was formed to find ways to help doctors who suffered in the war and their families; the commission included members of the Society, members of its Board and delegates from 25 medical societies of St. Petersburg.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):I-II
pages I-II views

About the flow of thoughts

Perevoznikov A.


There is no need for me to remind here of the anatomical structure of the brain, where, as we know, thought is undoubtedly established.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):1-22
pages 1-22 views

Materials on the question of the influence of meteorological elements on the course of epileptic seizures

Orleansky L.M.


The course of epileptic seizures in time, as you know, is subject to great individual fluctuations, so much so that, according to the author of the monograph on epilepsy in the Real Encyclopedia of Medical Sciences Eulenburg'a-Afanasyev.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):23-80
pages 23-80 views

Privat-docent S. A. Sukhanov. Semiotics and diagnostics of mental illnesses (in connection with the care of the sick and their treatment). Part II Moscow, 1905

Obraztsov V.


The second issue of Semiotics and Diagnostics of Mental Diseases, which serves as a continuation of the issue of the same name that came out last year, embraces only three forms of mental disorder: Korsakov's psychosis, obsessive mental states and circular psychosis.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):83-84
pages 83-84 views

Combined plantar phenomenon. Reflectivity in hysteria (Le phénomene plantaire combiné. Etud de la réflectirité dans l'hystérie. Revue neurol. 1904. No. 27)

Pavlov A.


Crocq divides plantar reflexes into normal and pathological.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):85-87
pages 85-87 views

A case of hemiplegia with a combined deviation of the head and eyes in a blind person from birth (Un cas d'hémiplégie avec déviation conjugée de la tête et des geux chez une avengle de naissance. Revue neurol. 1905. No. 3)

Pavlov A.


Dejerine and Russy observed complete left-sided hemiplegia with combined deviation of the head and eyes in the blind from the very first days of life.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):87-88
pages 87-88 views

Marandon de Mantyel. Forms of premature dementia. Les formes de la demence précoce. Gazette des hôpitaux, 1905, no. 6

Toporkov N.


E. Marandon de Mantyel ardently protest against the recognition of premature dementia (dementia praecox) as an independent clinical form.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):89-89
pages 89-89 views

M. Fischer. Schwangerschaft und Diebstahl. "Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie". B. LXI. H. 3.1904

Skuridin P.


Max Fischer cites the following case from his forensic medical practice: a woman who had previously had an unblemished reputation, in the course of one day, commits a series of thefts, going from house to house and acting without any precautions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):90-92
pages 90-92 views

Chronicle and mix


In a meeting of employees of the Moscow city psychiatric hospitals, the question of the need to raise the level of the downstream personnel was put on the agenda.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):93-100
pages 93-100 views

Analyzes of written works of the mentally ill

Obraztsov V.N.


Turning to the analysis of writing with the phenomena of melancholy, we find in it features, in one way or another, characteristic of this kind of state.

Neurology Bulletin. 1905;XIII(2):81а-160а
pages 81а-160а views

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