S.V. Messing. About tabetic crises accompanied by fever. Russian Doctor. 1910 No. 6

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The author cites three case histories of patients with tabes dors., where attacks of pain were accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature. According to the author's observation, the course of t° could not be influenced by extraneous causes, and its increase is determined by the main process. As for the reasons for such an increase in t °, the author puts it in direct connection with pain (in the cases cited, pain was always accompanied by fever) and the origin of both is explained by the action of toxins formed in the cerebral fluid and acting on the centers of the spinal, medulla oblongata and, perhaps, even, brain.

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Авторъ приводитъ три исторіи болѣзни больныхъ tabes dors., гдѣ приступы болей сопровождались значительнымъ повышеніемъ t° тѣла. На ходъ t° по наблюденію автора не могли вліять посторонніе причины, и повышеніе ея обусловливается основнымъ процессомъ. Что касается причинъ такого повышенія t°, то авторъ ставитъ его въ непосредственную связь съ болями (въ приведенныхъ случаяхъ боли всегда сопровождались лихорадкой) и происхожденіе того и другого объясняютъ дѣйствіемъ токсиновъ, образующихся въ мозговой жидкости и дѣйствующихъ на центры спинного, продолговатаго и, пожалуй даже, головного мозга.


About the authors

Ivan D. Baklushinsky

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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