Determination of the mineral element composition of red clover grass (Trifolium pratense L.)



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Chemical element influence physiological processes in the human body. Deficiency of any of the main minerals can lead to serious metabolic disorders and jeopardize the health of the human body, so the search for new types of plant materials as valuable additional sources of macro- and microelements is an actual task. Determination of the mineral composition makes it possible to predict the efficacy and safety profile of medicinal plants. The aim. The study of the qualitative and quantitative composition of meadow red clover grass to expand the range of medicines based on this plant substance. Material and Methods. The object of this study was red clover grass (Trifolium pratense L.) of firm «Horst Company LLC», Barnaul, acquired in the pharmacy chain in 2019. The mineral composition of red clover grass was determined by the method inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy on an Optima™ 8000 spectrometer with WinLab for ICP software (Perkin Elmer Inc., USA). Results. 11 elements with a maximum content of K, Ca, and Mg ions were found in the red clover grass as the main mineral elements of this raw material. In addition, the following toxic elements are absented in red clover grass: cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. Conclusions. The mineral composition of red clover grass was studied. Eleven elements were found with a maximum content of potassium, magnesium, calcium, which are necessary for the normal functioning and development of the body. The following toxic elements were found to be absent in the red clover grass: cadmium, lead, mercury and arsenic. Based on the results obtained in the development of medicines, red clover grass can also be considered as a potential source of essential mineral elements.




Thi Nguyen

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Z. Ditkovskaya

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Yu. Generalova

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

I. Kaukhova

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University


V. Sorokin

Saint-Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University


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