Induction of Neuraminidase Activity in Neural Cells in Vitro by Synthetic Analogues of cAMP




The treatment of human neuroblastoma NB-1 cells by db-cAMP induced the high frequency of neural cells bearing neurite as well as more than two-fold elevated activity of sialidase associated with plasma membrane (SAPM). The elevated silaidase activity was accompanied by increasing the quantity of mRNA for that enzyme as was estimated by RT-PCR. The neural cells with elevated SAPM activity and developed neurite were shown to have high activity of another enzyme (acetylcholinesterase) that is strongly considered as a biochemical marker of neural cell differentiation. Due to our experimental work it has been reasoned that elevated activity of sialidase associated with plasma membrane is closely related to neural cell differentiation and can be considered as a key factor for therapy of disorders connected to damage of cells of neuronal orogon


Sergey Proshin

Evgeniy Bychkov

Andrey Lebedev

Galina Kosyakova

Petr Shabanov


S Proshin

Nikiforov Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine, Emercom of Russia

Nikiforov Russian Center for Emergency and Radiation Medicine, Emercom of Russia

E Bychkov

Vanderbilt University Medical Center

; Vanderbilt University Medical Center

A Lebedev

Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy

G Kosyakova

All-Russian Institute for Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding of RAAS

All-Russian Institute for Farm Animal Genetics and Breeding of RAAS

P Shabanov

Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy


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