Organization of work of a multidisciplinary hospital in a pandemic of a new coronavirus infection

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The appearance and spread of a new coronavirus infection around the world has led to the urgent need to open additional hospitals to receive infectious patients. The Department of Health of the city of Moscow decided to re-profile the city’s multidisciplinary hospitals, one of which was the City clinical Hospital V.P. Demikhova. In the shortest possible time a method for receiving infectious patients was created, anti-epidemic measures were worked out, personnel were trained, a patient routing map was created, and algorithms for the treatment of COVID-19 were introduced. As the number of patients with a new coronavirus infection grew, all the buildings of the Hospital were involved in the work, and a new 800-bed infectious diseases hospital was built and opened on the territory of New Moscow - the Moscow Clinical center for infectious diseases «Voronovskoye». The measures taken and the coherence of the team’s work contributed to the timely and high-quality provision of medical care to patients with COVID-19. The gradual recession of the epidemic allowed the multidisciplinary hospital to return to the previous mode of operation, however, in the conditions of the continuing high level of the disease, strict anti-epidemic measures are observed, and the «Voronovskoye» continues to receive patients with a new coronavirus infection.

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About the authors

Sergey Nikolaevich Perekhodov

State Budgetary Institution of Health of the City of Moscow “City Clinical Hospital named after V.P. Demikhova DZM»; Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry named after A.I. Evdokimov Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Chief Physician

Irina Sergeevna Rodyukova

State Budgetary Institution of Health of the City of Moscow “City Clinical Hospital named after V.P. Demikhova DZM»; Russian Research Institute named after N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Deputy Chief Physician

Nikolay Ivanovich Chaus

State Budgetary Institution of Health of the City of Moscow “City Clinical Hospital named after V.P. Demikhova DZM»; Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education RMANPO Ministry of Health of Russia

Deputy Chief Physician

Nikolay Aleksandrovich Karpun

State Budgetary Institution of Health of the City of Moscow “City Clinical Hospital named after V.P. Demikhova DZM»

Email: karpun@rambler ru
Deputy Chief Physician


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