The role of some genetic polymorphisms of IL-10 in the development of varicella in military personnel




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Introduction. Currently, scientists are paying increasing attention to the genetic condition of various pathologies. According to recent studies, cytokines play an essential role in the immune response in various pathological processes. The detection of genetic defects in the genes of anti-inflammatory cytokines may be accompanied by their various production and result in individual characteristics of the infectious process in carriers of polymorphic mutations. Objective of the study. To study the IL-10 gene polymorphic marker (G-1082A, C-819T) genotypes frequency in the uncomplicated course of chicken pox in conscripts of Zabaikalsky Krai. Methods. SNP genes were determined by PCR. When conducting statistical analysis, the authors were guided by the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals and the recommendations «Statistical analysis and methods in the published literature» (SAMPLE). Statistical processing of the research results was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics Version 25.0 software package (International Business Machines Corporation, Iicense No. Z125-3301-14, USA). Results. GA genotype of the IL-10 gene (G1082A) frequency in servicemen with chickenpox was 28 times higher compared to the healthy group (χ2=86.1, p=0.001). In turn, the GG genotype of the IL-10 gene (G1082A) was detected 3.5 times more often in healthy individuals than in patients with chickenpox (χ2=86.1, p=0.001). CT genotype of the IL-10 gene (C819T) frequency in servicemen with chickenpox was 2.4 times higher compared to the healthy group (χ2=24.0, p=0.001). In turn, the CC genotype of the IL-10 gene (C819T) was detected 2.0 times more often than in patients with chickenpox (χ2=24.0, p=0.001). Conclusion. The prevalence of genotypes GA IL-10 (G1082A) and CT of the IL-10 gene (C819T) is higher in conscripted servicemen in the Trans-Baikal Territory, which allows us to conclude that there is an association of these polymorphisms with the incidence of chickenpox. Also, according to the results, it can be assumed that the genotypes GG IL-10 (G1082A) and C of the IL-10 gene (C819T) are a protector association of polymorphisms from the incidence of chickenpox.




Tatiana Krivolutskaya

Chita State Medical Academy

postgraduate student of the department of infectious diseases and epidemiology

Alvina Emelyanova

Chita State Medical Academy

head of the department of infectious diseases and epidemiology

Artur Emelyanov

Chita State Medical Academy

assistant of the department of normal physiology

Yuri Vitkovsky

Chita State Medical Academy

head of the department of normal physiology


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