Studying of P-, E-selectins and glycoprotein ligand PSGL-1 level in blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of lower limb




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Introduction. The study of intermoleculars interactions can contribute to the development of ideas about the violation of the endothelium,s adhesive function as one of the pathogenetic links in the development of peripheral artery diseases of atherosclerotic etiology. The aim of the study. To study the content of P- and E-selectins, a high-affinity glycoprotein ligand PSGL-1; to identify correlations between the represented values in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the lower extremities arteries. Methods. Quantitative determination of selectins P., E and glycoprotein ligand PSGL-1 by the sandwich method of ELISA in blood serum. Results. A decrease in the concentrations of selectins P and E, an increase in the concentration of the glycoprotein ligand of selectins PSGL-1 was revealed; a moderate negative correlation (r = -0,48) between the concentration of selectin P and the concentration of PSGL-1 in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities was detected. The findings of the study are as follows: • a statistically significant decrease in the concentration of selectin P in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities was revealed; • a statistically insignificant decrease in the concentration of selectin E in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities was detected; • a statistically significant increase in the concentration of glycoprotein ligand selectins PSGL-1 in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities was detected; • a moderate negative relationship was found between the concentration of selectin P and PSGL-1 (r = -0.48) in the blood serum of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower extremities. All of the above changes can be related to the death of endotheliocytes and their reduction in synthesis of intercellular adhesion molecules, which is reflected in the disruption of the adhesive function, which is a component of endothelial dysfunction.




Natalya Korotkova

Ryazan State Medical University

Associate Professor of the Department of Biological Chemistry with the course of clinical laboratory diagnostics of Continuing Professional Education Faculty, Senior researcher at the Central Research laboratory Vysokovoltnaya, 9, Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation

Roman Kalinin

Ryazan State Medical University

Head of the Department of cardiovascular, endovascular surgery, and diagnostic radiology; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Vysokovoltnaya, 9, Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation

Igor Suchkov

Ryazan State Medical University

Professor of the Department of cardiovascular, endovascular surgery, and diagnostic radiology; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor. Vysokovoltnaya, 9, Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation

Larisa Nikiforova

Ryazan State Medical University

Senior Researcher at the Central Research laboratory Vysokovoltnaya, 9, Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation

Alexander Ryabkov

Ryazan State Medical University

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pharmacology with the course of Pharmacy Vysokovoltnaya, 9, Ryazan, 390026, Russian Federation


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2. Fig. 1. The concentration of selectins P and E (pg/ml) in the peripheral blood of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limb

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3. Fig. 2. The concentration PSGL-1 (ng/ml) in the peripheral blood of patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limb

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4. Fig. 3. Dependence of the concentration of selectin P (pg/ml) on the concentration of the glycoprotein ligand PSGL-1 (ng/ml) in blood patients with atherosclerosis of the arteries of the lower limb

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