Activity of the 4-1BB/4-1BBL signaling pathway in patients with colon tumors




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Background. Protein 4-1BB (CD137) enhances the activity of T-cells, prevents their death, and promotes the production of cytokines, which makes it a powerful co-stimulating agent. Currently, the use of this glycoprotein is being studied in order to influence the key links of carcinogenesis. Objective. We aimed to assess 4-1BB level in blood serum, tumor tissue and lymph nodes in patients with colon tumors. Methods. The study was carried out in the Regional Oncology Dispensary in Chita and included 44patients with colorectal cancer and 25 patients with benign tumor of the colon who were treated between 2019 to 2020. The control group comprised 25 patients who had been operated due to colon injury at the Regional Clinical Hospital in Chita. We determined 4-1BB concentration in blood serum, the supernatant of the homogenate of tumor tissue and lymph nodes using the flow cytofluometry method. Results. It was found that in patients with colon cancer the concentration of the soluble form 4-1BB in the blood serum increased by 1.88 times, in patients with benign tumor of the colon - by 1.86 times compared to the control group. The concentration of 4-1BB in tumor tissue in patients with colorectal cancer exceeded this indicator by 2.06 times compared to the control group and it increased by 1.43 times in comparison with the group of patients with benign tumor. Conclusion. The 4-1BB/4-1BBL signaling pathway is involved in the cascade of innate and acquired immunity reactions and is one of the carcinogenesis links in patients with colorectal cancer.




Andrey Chetveryakov

FSBI HE “Chita State Medical Academy”, Ministry of Health of Russia


postgraduate, Department of Hospital Surgery


Viktor Tsepelev

FSBI HE “Chita State Medical Academy”, Ministry of Health of Russia


Head of the Department of Hospital Surgery



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