Transvesical extraurethral adenomectomy and transurethral prostatic resection in adenoma: specific features


The procedure of transvesical extraurethral adenomectomy (EUA) and the results of its application were characterized in comparison with transurethral resection (TUR) of the prostate in adenoma. EUA is made via the approach through the extraperitoneal cut of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, anterior wall of the urinary bladder, semioval or sphenoid incision of the vesicourethral segment. Dissection is conducted of the affected posterior half-round of only proximal prostatic part of the urethra in unaffected anterior and lateral urethral surface. Adenomatous tissues are removed in fragments and radically. Enucleation of the adenomatous nodes is followed by correction of the vesicourethral segment and hemostasis. TUR of the prostate is made without incision of the soft tissues of the anterior abdominal wall, but with removal of the prostatic portion of the urethra, sphincter mechanism of the bladder. After TUR the prostate contains residual adenomatous tissue, inner wound cavity in adenoma bed. The wound of the anterior abdominal wall, anterior wall of the bladder and vesicourethral segment healed by primary intention for 10-14 days, while adenoma bed heals for 6-18 months. EUA does not cause such complication as "adenoma bed", urethral stricture, scar deformation of the bladder neck, urinary incontinence. Radical EUA produces complications 5 times less frequently than TUR of the prostate.


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