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We treated 314 patients with local colorectal cancer (LCRC). Of them, 189 (60.2%) were males, 125 (39.8%) - females, age from 31 to 79 years (mean age 59.6±5.7 years). Combined surgery with resection of the affected urinary system components en bloc was made in 277 (88.2%) patients. Palliative urological care for obstructive lesions of the urinary system was delivered to 37(11.8%) patients. Surgical intervention was performed by a surgical team consisting of coloproctologists and urologist. Treatment of most of the patients was multimodal. As a result, it became clear that involvement of the urinary system in tumor process in LCRC patients must not entail rejection of combined surgery. Subtotal resection of the urinary bladder affected by a tumor in LCRC patients is functionally valid and oncologically radical. Efficacy of this intervention is confirmed by a satisfactory social adaptation - 18 (51.4%) of 35 followed up patients resumed their jobs. Resection of different parts of the urinary system has insignificant impact on postoperative lethality. Palliative urological care in urinary obstruction in LCRC patients improves quality of life and efficacy of conventional treatment. Treatment of such severe patients should be conducted with participation of the urologist who decides on optimal methods of urinary derivation, performs surgical reconstruction and follow-up of the patients after the operation.

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About the authors

M. S Likhter


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