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№ 5 (2009)


Podkozhnoe obkhodnoe nefrovezikal'noe shuntirovanie pri obstruktsii mochetochnikov

Komyakov B., Guliev B., El'-Attar T., Serov R.


We performed subcutaneous bypass draining (SBD) of the upper urinary tract (UUT) in 12 patients (3 males, 9 females, mean age 64 years) in 2006-2008. Ureteral obstruction was caused by a tumor in 11 patients, one patient had extended obliteration of the left ureter after resection of the abdominal aorta aneurysm and two plastic operations on the UUT. All the patients with ureteral tumor obstruction had only one functional kidney. For SBD of the kidney we used Detoure stent in 2 cases, the nephrovesical bypass - in the rest cases. Surgery was made in the lateroposition of the patient which provided sumaltenous establishment of the renal and vesical ends of the stent. The kidney was also drained by the nephrostoma in 8 patients. The nephrostoma was removed after antegrade pyelography and pyelomanometry. Intraoperative complications were not registered. Suprapubic urine leak in 3 patients previously given radiotherapy was stopped by a long drain of the bladder. Obstruction of the distal stent part by a progressive tumor was diagnosed in 1 patient 3 months later. The bypass was removed and a nephrostomic drainage was made. The nephrovesical stent was changed in one case 5 months after SBD. Upon 6-32 month follow-up 3 patients died of cancer progression, the rest are still alive. Thus, SBD is indicated if stenting, ureteral endoprosthesis, constant nephrostomic drainage are impossible. In some cancer patients with ureteral obstruction in UUT drainage SBD is a method of choice with promising short- and long-term results.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):3-
pages 3- views

Faktory riska razvitiya seksual'nykh disfunktsiy u zhenshchin Rossii

Kogan M., Kalinchenko S., Avadieva N.


The aim of the study was to identify the most important risk factors in genesis of female sexual dysfunction (FSD) using a Russian modification of the female sexual function index (FSFI) questionnaires and original questionnaires for Russian women. A total of 540 women aged 18-75 years living in the South of Russia entered the trial. They were divided into 4 groups: group 1 - 18-30 year old women (n = 250), group 2 - premenopausal women (n = 213), group 3 - women with 5 year and less menopause (n = 39), group 4 - women with 5 year and longer menopause. Age, stress and menopause were identified to be significant risk factors of FSD. The other factors were not significant. A mathematical model was designed and the coefficient of each risk factor was estimated for determination of individual probability to develop FSD in Russian women.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):8-
pages 8- views

Primenenie biologicheski aktivnoy dobavki "Urisan" k pishche pri mochekamennoy bolezni

Dzeranov N., Konstantinova O., Nikonova L., Cherepanova E., Drozhzheva V.


Thirty three urolithiasis patients (13 males, 18 females aged 29-77 years, 2 children, duration of the disease 1-17 years) received food additive urisan in combined treatment of urolithiasis. Blood and urine biochemistry was studied by 11 parameters to evaluate renal function and lithogenesis before and after intake of urisan. Standard treatment was combined with intake of 2 capsules (1100 mg) of urisan twice a day at meal for 2-3 weeks. The data were processed statistically. It is shown that urisan contributes to intensification of renal filtration function, to reduction of hyperuricemia and urine pH, intensification of uric acid excretion, continuation of inflammation remission, attenuation of proteinurea in urolithiasis patients with exacerbation of chronic pyelonephritis.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):12-
pages 12- views

Mesto sovremennykh β-laktamnykh antibiotikov v terapii infektsii mochevykh putey u beremennykh

Rafal'skiy V., Chilova R., Ostroumova M.


A multicenter trial of the prevalence and spectrum of urinary infection agents, their resistance to beta-lactame antibiotics in pregnant women in Russia was conducted in two stages. Stage 1 (2001) included microbiological studies, stage 2 (2005-2006) - pharmacoepidemiological ones. Most frequent uropathogens in the examinees were E.coli (62.9%) and Klebsiella spp (9.7%). Their most common strains were often resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin. Therefore, these drugs are often ineffective against urinary infections in pregnant women. Drugs of choice are oral cephalosporines of the third generation (cephoxim), inhibitor-protected aminopenicillines, for parenteral administration - parenteral cephotaxim, cephtriaxon followed by oral (cephisim) cephalosporins of the second-third generation.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):14-
pages 14- views

Vlagalishchnaya ektopiya naruzhnogo otverstiya uretry kak odna iz prichin khronicheskogo retsidiviruyushchego tsistita u zhenshchin: diagnostika i lechenie

Derevyanko T.


Ectopia of the urethral opening (female hypospadia) often causes chronic recurrent cystitis in women because of a retrograde delivery of urogenital infection from the introitus and vagina to the short wide urethra and urinary bladder. Etiologically, cystitis develops due to pathogenic vaginal microflora: Chlamydia trachomatis, Mycoplasma genitalium, Ureaplasma, urealyticum, Gardnerella vaginalis, Candida, E. coli and other gram-negative bacteria. In 64 female patients aged 16-57 years with female hypospadia (FH) the diagnosis was made by O'Donnel-Hirchhorn symptom. Identification of urinary and vaginal microflora was made using polymerase chain reaction. Radical treatment of chronic recurrent cystitis in FH is surgical - transposition of the distal urethra and its opening in the typical place with pre- and perioperative anti-inflammatory therapy according to the pathogen or with drugs having combined antimycotic and antiprotosoic properties. One of such drugs safocid demonstrates a rapid therapeutic effect in mixed urogenital infections causing chronic recurrent cystitis in women.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):18-
pages 18- views

Operativnoe lechenie nederzhaniya mochi pri napryazhenii u zhenshchin metodom J. Lorenz - al'ternativa operatsii TVT

Nechiporenko A., Nechiporenko N.


The article presents a modified technique of J. Lorenz operation for urinary stress incontinence in females with suspension of the urethra with threads (three threads are used instead of the band as in TVT operation). J. Lorenz operation is cost-effective, simple to perform, is not accompanied with severe complications, in failure of the initial operation reoperation is not a problem. The results of 55 operations are not inferior to outcomes of TVT operation. Low cost and good long-term results of J. Lorenz operation make it an alternative of TVT operation.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):21-
pages 21- views

Opyt primeneniya trospiya khlorida u bol'nykh s neyrogennoy detruzornoy giperaktivnost'yu

Shvarts P., Kadykov A., Shvedkov V., Timerbaeva S., Polevaya E., Mulach A.


Overactive bladder (OAB) is observed in such brain diseases as stroke, hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, Parkinson's disease (PD), multiple sclerosis (MS). Trospium chloride (spasmex) was used in OAB patients with MS (n = 87), stroke (n = 83), encephalopathy (n = 47) and PD (n = 36) in doses from 15 to 45 mg/day in 2 to 36 month courses. The response with minimal side effects was achieved in 94% patients. In addition to basic effects, trospium chloride relieved spastic constipation in patients with stroke, hypersalivation in PD and anal incontinence in MS.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):24-
pages 24- views

Vliyanie indol-3-karbinola i epigallokatekhin-3-gallata na protsessy al'teratsii i reparatsii v uretre v eksperimente

Pavlov V., Kazikhinurov A., Safiullin R., Kutushev K., Valiev I., Kazikhinurov R.


The effects of indol-3-carbinol and epigallocatexin-3-gallate on alteration and reparation in the urethra were studied in 30 male Shinshilla rabbits. From the observation day 2 the rabbits were fed with indol-3-carbinol and epigallocatexin-3-gallate in addition to standard diet. Microcirculation was assessed with a laser analyzer of capillary circulation LAKK-01 which detected earlier recovery of microcirculation in the group of the animals fed with indol-3-carbinol and epigallocatexin-3-gallate. Thus, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of indol-3-carbinol and epigallocatexin-3-gallate improve alteration and reparation in affected urethra due to development of soft elastic connective tissue with better capillary circulation.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):29-
pages 29- views

Primenenie ABTU-01 "Andromed" dlya lecheniya erektil'noy disfunktsii

Alyaev Y., Chalyy M., Grigoryan V., Amosov A., Demidko Y.


The compression-decompression method was used in the treatment of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in 42 patients. The barotherapeutic urological unit (ABTU-01) Andromed was used. The alternation of compression and decompression of cavernous bodies stimulates synthesis and maximal realization of biological effects of nitric oxide the abnormal synthesis and release of which due to endothelial dysfunction are among the leading causes of erectile dysfunction. The efficacy of the method was 90-93%, duration of the effect - from 7 to 12 months depending on the kind of vascular disorders.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):33-
pages 33- views

Vzaimodeystvie omnika (tamsulozin) i ego genericheskikh analogov s α-adrenoretseptorami

Pushkar' D., Belousov Y., Dukhanin A., Maneshina O., Govorov A., Kurdzhiev M.


In current practice of pharmacotherapy of prostatic adenoma alpha1-adrenoblockers are first-line drugs the efficacy and safety of which have been proved in many randomized studies. Because of the appearance of a large amount of generic analogues of tamsulozine on the market we studied the ability of tamsulozine analogues to bind with alpha-adrenoreceptors on rat and human prostate affected by adenoma. Significant differences on the receptor level of interaction were found. Omnik, compared to other generic analogues of tamsulozine, has the highest affinity to alpha1-adrenoreceptors.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):36-
pages 36- views

Vozmozhnosti kombinirovannoy terapii doksazozinom i finasteridom v lechenii bol'nykh s adenomoy prostaty bol'shikh razmerov

Tarasov N., Izmaylov R.


Combined treatment with doxasozine and finasteride was performed for 7.26 months in 38 patients with large-size prostatic adenoma (89.54 ± 11.64 cm3). The study group of 38 patients given the above combination benefited from the treatment (18 patients avoided surgery, TUR of shorter duration with removal of a less amount of tissue and less blood loss was conducted in 20 patients). Bladder draining with the urethral catheter was also shorter in the study group. The control group (28 patients with large prostatic adenoma) received surgical treatment alone. Long-term results were good in both the groups. Thus, combined treatment with doxasozine and finasteride can be the first-line treatment in patients with large prostatic adenoma.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):40-
pages 40- views

Novaya kontseptsiya operativnogo lecheniya bolezni Peyroni

Kovalev V., Karaguzhin S., Koroleva S., Abdulkhamidov A., Levadnaya M.


Clinical experience of the authors on patients with Peyronie's disease shows that intraplaque therapy with verapamil and interferon and a malignant course of the disease can result in shortening of the penis (4 and 1 cases were observed, respectively). The length of the penis diminished by 30 to 50%. The patients were treated with graft corporoplasty with endoprosthesis of the penis. Basing on the experience with these cases the following conclusions were made: intraplaque injections are hard to perform and can provoke progression of the disease; long-term conservative treatment for stabilization of the active stage of Peyronie's disease can lead to shortening of the penis; in malignant course of the disease and progressive shortening of the penis surgical policy is justified despite "acute" phase of the disease.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):45-
pages 45- views

Vozmozhnosti terapii erektil'noy disfunktsii neyrogennogo geneza ingibitorami fosfodiesterazy 5-go tipa u bol'nykh sakharnym diabetom

Kurbatov D., Rozhivanov R.


We performed a pilot study of PDE-5 inhibitors efficacy in the treatment of diabetic genital neuropathy. A total of 16 diabetic males (type 1 diabetes mellitus) having erectile dysfunction with symptoms of genital neuropathy entered the trial. These patients received tadalafil for 3 months. The results were assessed with sexological questionnaires and dynamics of genital neuropathy symptoms. Tadalafil treatment was found effective.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):48-
pages 48- views

Optimizatsiya ranney diagnostiki zabolevaniy predstatel'noy zhelezy v usloviyakh megapolisa

Lopatkin N., Maksimov V., Khodyreva L., Davydova E.


One of the aims in the strategy of Moscow health service is perfection of early diagnosis of urological diseases. Examination of about 1.500000 males over 50 years was conducted in 2002-2007. The number of PSA tests rose 5-fold for 5 years. The number of ultrasonographies and transrectal ultrasonic investigations of the prostate rose from 21650 (2002) to 128890 (2007), the number of polyfocal biopsies - from 2165 (2002) to 12219 (2007). The rate of detection of prostatic diseases increased from 1146 cases per 100000 adult male population (1999) to 2097 (2007). Chronic prostatitis was registered in 17.8%, prostatic adenoma in 29.6% examinees, new cases of prostatic cancer were detected in 0.86% examinees. Standard prostatic cancer morbidity rose from 30.4 to 47.0 per 100000 male population. Percentage of early detected prostatic cancer increased from 42.9% in 2000 to 62% in 2007, detection of prostatic cancer stage III-IV reduced from 27.3% in 2000 to 16.6% in 2007. Thus, new prophylactic measures improved efficacy of outpatient urological service, raised rate of detection of chronic prostatitis, prostatic adenoma, prostatic cancer
Urologiia. 2009;(5):50-
pages 50- views

Vozmozhnosti uzkospektrovoy fibrotsistoskopii v diagnostike raka mochevogo puzyrya

Martov A., Maksimov V., Ergakov D., Andronov A.


A total of 97 patients (59 males, 38 females, age 26-88 years) with cancer of the urinary bladder (pTa, pT1, pT2) were initially examined with white-light cystoscopy, then narrowband cystoscopy (Narrow Band Imaging, NBI) with application of videofibrocystoscope Okympus. A total of 147 procedures were performed. Videofibrocystoscopy in white light has detected 18 recurrent tumors (sensitivity 0.12 tumor/operation). Narrowband videofibrocystoscopy has detected 17 more recurrencies (sensitivity 0.24 tumor/operation). A histological recurrence was confirmed at standard cystoscopy in 17 of 18 cases (specificity 94%), at narrowband fibrocystoscopy - in 30 of 35 cases (specificity 86%). The above pilot experience with narrowband videofibrocystoscopy has demonstrated that this technique has much higher contrast and acutance of imaging as well as sensitivity vs standard rigid cystoscopy in white light.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):54-
pages 54- views

Modifikatsiya sfinkteroplastiki Derzhavina i metody ustraneniya diastaza simfiza lonnoy kosti pri tyazhelykh stepenyakh epispadii

Salimov S., Khudoynazarov K., Fakirov A.


In 1990-2006 Tashkent Medical Academy Clinic admitted 71 patients (63 boys and 8 girls) with subtotal and total forms of epispadia which in some cases combined with extrophy of the bladder. Thirty-nine patients of this group were treated with conventional Derzhavin sphynctroplasty with suturing the borders of the pubic symphysis. Urinary incontinence was eliminated partially or completely in 72.3% cases, diastasis of pubic symphasis was not corrected. Thirty two patients were treated with modified Derzhavin sphyncteroplasty and an original technique of symphysis diastasis correction. Good and satisfactory results were obtained in 90.6% patients. X-ray detected no cases of divergence of symphysis 2 months after surgery.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):59-
pages 59- views

Sovremennyy vzglyad na lechenie bol'nykh mochekamennoy bolezn'yu

Yanenko E., Konstantinova O.


В статье на основании литературных данных, многолетнего опыта лечения больных мочекаменной болезнью в стационаре и их динамического амбулаторного наблюдения (обследования и консервативного лечения) кратко изложены достижения в диагностике и лечении заболевания, представлены современные основные положения этиологии и патогенеза уролитиаза. Приведены принципы и схемы диетотерапии, консервативного медикаментозного лечения и профилактики камнеобразования при всех формах заболевания и установленные авторами наиболее эффективные медикаментозные средства. Разработана и изложена оптимальная методика обследования и наблюдения больных мочекаменной болезнью
Urologiia. 2009;(5):61-
pages 61- views

Pervichnyy antifosfolipidnyy sindrom (VA+), tromboz vnutripochechnykh arteriy levoy pochki pod maskoy pervichnogo ostrogo gnoynogo pielonefrita

Loran O., Sinyakova L., Zakharova E., Luk'yanov I., Vishnevskiy A., Kosova I., Kolbasov D., Tareeva A.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):66-
pages 66- views

Uspeshnyy opyt konservativnoy terapii zabryushinnogo fibroza

Alferov S., Grishin M.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):70-
pages 70- views

Sovremennyy vzglyad na problemu skrininga raka predstatel'noy zhelezy

Maksimov V., Pushkar' D., Umarov M.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):74-
pages 74- views

Mestnaya in\"ektsionnaya terapiya bolezni Peyroni

Karaguzhin S., Kovalev V., Koroleva S.
Urologiia. 2009;(5):77-
pages 77- views

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