Estimation of the contractile function of the upper urinary tract by multichannel impedance ureterography before and after endoureteropyelotomy


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We studied qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the upper urinary tract (UUT) contractile function examination with multichannel impedance ureterography (MIUG) in patients given roentgenoendoscopic treatment for stricture of the ureter and pelvoureteral segment (PUS) for prognosis of the disease outcome and decision on further therapy. UUT function was studied with MIUG in 12 patients with stricture of the upper third of the ureter and PUS during and 1-2 months after endoureteropyelotomy. UUT peristalsis was assessed qualitatively (direction of peristaltic wave, rhythm of peristalsis, wave shape) and quantitatively (amplitude of ureteral contractions, frequency of peristalsis, wall tonicity). Ureteral peristalsis disorders of different severity were found in the majority of patients. UUT contractile function improved after treatment in 83% patients. The improvement concerned wave shape, peristalsis amplitude, a relief of wall tonicity, frequency of contractions). MIUG can objectively assess UUT function in patients with ureteral and PUS stricture, predict efficacy of roentgenoendoscopic treatment early after surgery. MIUG is intended for diagnosis of UUT contractile disorders undetected by x-ray, for objective control over quality of therapy, for formulating indications to pathogenetic treatment.


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