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Aim. To suggest new method of surgical correction of hypospadias in girls. Materials and Methods. For 50 years under our supervision there were 220 girls diagnosed with hypospadias of various forms. In the diagnosis used anamnesis, examination, catheterization and cystoscopy of the bladder, vaginoscopy, ultrasound and X-ray research methods. Results and Discussion. Of 220 girls with a diagnosis of hypospadias, vestibular (partial) hypospadias occurred in 201 girls, vestibulovaginal (subtotal) in 16, and vaginal (total) in 3. Of 201 girls with vestibular hypospadias, 37 suffered from urinary incontinence, 16 had vesicoureteral reflux, 21 had doubling, 5 had renal hypoplasia, and 12 had renal dystopia. The vulvovaginal form was manifested not only by the dystopia of the external opening of the urethra, but also combined with the underdevelopment of the sphincteral apparatus of the bladder. All children had daytime and nighttime urinary incontinence, vulvovaginitis. Cystoscopy revealed hyperemia of the urethra and bladder neck. X-ray urological examination revealed VUR in 6 children, ureterohydronephrosis - in 2. All children suffered from chronic pyelonephritis, 8 - day and night urinary incontinence. There were 3 girls (14-16 years old) with vaginal (total) hypospadias. All suffered from constant urinary incontinence, vulvovaginitis, cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis, all had VUR. The new operation for the vaginal (total) form ofhypospadias, proposed by us, restores the closure function of the bladder sphincter by suturing the defect in the posterior wall of the bladder neck. Conclusion. Hypospadias is rare in girls. There are vestibular, vestibulovaginal and vaginal forms of hypospadias. In most cases, the vestibular form does not require surgical treatment. With the vestibulovaginal and vaginal (total) form of hypospadias, surgical treatment is indicated.


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Sobre autores

A. Soloviev

Ryazan State Medical University

Email: beerzombie@rambler.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery Ryazan, Russia


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