
Current state of antibiotic resistance of pathogens causing community-acquired urinary tract infections in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan: results of the international multicenter study “Darmis-2018”
Palagin I., Sukhorukova M., Dekhnich A., Edelstein M., Perepanova T., Kozlov R., Mutin M., Strebkova V., Tapal'skiy D., Amineva P., Vetokhina A., Sukhoreva M., Ivanova I., Valiullina I., Lavrinenko A., Chastoedova A., Shirokova T., Varibrus E., Vasil'eva I., Domanskaya O., Bekker G., Kul'chavenya E., Plugin P., Popova L., Elokhina E., Kogan M., Naboka Y., Zhestkov A., Lyamin A., Khusnutdinova T., Shipitsyna E., Bulkin A., Moskvitina E., Nikiforovskaya N., Malev I., Varganova A., Mart'yanova N., Bykonya S., Volkovskaya I., Malyavin A., Sidorova R., Khaydarshina N., Shamaeva S., Portnyagina U., Ershova M.
Comparative characteristics of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains, allocated in polyclinic and stationary conditions
Kuznetsova M., Provorova S., Kubarev O., Yudin D., Karimova N., Bajandina N., Teplyakova M., Demakov V.
Infection of the lower urinary tract: new possibilities of herbal medicine
Slesarevskaya M., Kuz'min I., Al-Shukri S.
Evaluation of the adhesive characteristics of uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains in patients with spinal cord injuries
Osipova E., Shipitsyna I.
Fosfomycin: potential and perspectives for use in urological practice
Zaitsev A., Palagin I.
Characteristics of the pathogenic potential of Escherichia coli isolated from patients with calculous pyelonephritis
Pashkova T., Morozova N., Kuzmin M., Kartashova O., Popova L.
Antiadhesive strategy for non-antibacterial prophylaxis of recurrent lower urinary tract infections
Kuz’min I., Slesarevskaya M., Al-Shukri S.
Phenotypic and molecular genetic properties of Escherichia coli clinical strains isolated from patients with urological diseases
Slukin P., Svetoch E., Aslanyan E., Astashkin E., Ershova M., Poletaeva E., Shepelin A., Fursova N.
Kulchavenya E., Alkhovik O., Cherednichenko A.
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