
Песегов, С. В

栏目 标题 文件
编号 4 (2014) Articles Hyperuricemia - risk marker of endothelial dysfunction in the development of erectile dysfunction
编号 3 (2015) Articles 3D-technology as an element of planning, effective implementation and surgical simulation training in staghorn nephrolithiasis management
编号 2S (2016): Supplement Articles The place of mineral water in the metaphylaxis of urolithiasis
编号 3 (2017) Articles Experience in using Phytolysin in the integrated management of urinary tract infections and methapylactics of nephrolithiasis
编号 4 (2017) Articles Application of 3D printing in urology
编号 4 (2018) Articles Methanaphylaxis of urolithiasis. Part 1. Factors for increasing incidence of urolithiasis. Current theories of renal stone formation
编号 6 (2018) Articles Recurrence prevention for urinary stone disease. Part II. The factors associated with increase in incidence of urinary stone disease. Current views on the mechanisms of stone formation (continuation)
编号 1 (2019) Articles Methanaphylaxis of urolithiasis. Part 3. The factors associated with increase in incidence of urinary stone disease. Current views on the mechanisms of stone formation
编号 3 (2019) Articles Urinary stone disease. Part V. Drugs used for metaphylaxis of urinary stone disease
编号 2 (2019) Articles Urinary stone disease. Part IV. Recurrence prevention for urinary stone disease
编号 2 (2019) Articles Role of drinking and dietary factors in effective dissolution therapy and recurrence prevention of uric acid kidney stones