On the Tangut prefix 2da:-

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The Tangut language was spoken during the Xixia (Tangut) dynasty (A.D. 1038-1227) in the northwestern part of China.The first emperor (A.D. 1036) established the Tangut script for the language. Although the Tangut language and  its script are now extinct, the many documents written in the Tangut script enable us to reconstruct its phonology and grammar. Tangut belongs to the Tibeto-Burman language group (Tangut-Qiang). Its grammar possesses unique features that are not found in either Old Tibetan or Old Burman. One of such features is a “directional prefix”. Six or seven morphemes function as prefixes. Previous works have discussed the change in the function of the prefix from “directional” to “aspect (perfective)”. Some minor Tibeto-Burman languages have morphemes that are similar syllables or functions to Tangut. In this article, we present the outline of the prefixes and a description of the prefix 2da:- with sample sentences and discuss some remarks

About the authors

Shintaro Arakawa

Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa

Author for correspondence.
Email: arakawa@aa.tufs.ac.jp

Associate Professor

Japan, Tokyo


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