On the Evolution of the Economic Form of Xixia Society

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Before moving eastward, the Tangut had lived a primitive social life for a long time and had not yet entered a class society. Influenced by the civilization of the Han nationality, Tangut quickly made the transition to class society after moving eastward. At the very beginning, the transition developed along the two directions of slavery and feudal system, which not only developed slavery, but also inherited and adapted to the feudal system in the places where they moved, so that the two economic relations existed in the society of Xixia. With the development of production, slavery was gradually reduced and the feudal economic relationship based on private ownership was gradually expanded. The feudal system was finally established when Li Yuanhao founded the country, but slavery survived and was always associated with Xixia Dynasty. In some remote areas, the primitive clan system was even retained for a long time

About the authors

Jianlu Du

Academy of Xixia Studies Ningxia University

Author for correspondence.
Email: dujl2061083@163.com

Professor of the Academy of Xixia Studies Ningxia

China, Yinchuan


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