Nikita Ya. Bichurin (Fr. Iakinf). Extract from a Letter from Kiakhta of September 19, this 1831 Year





This paper by Nikita Yakovlevich Bichurin (Father Iakinf, 1777–1853) was first published in the periodical Moscow Telegraph, in the “Miscellanies” column (1831, part 42, pp. 141–144) without mentioning the author’s name. The title “Extract from a Letter from Kiakhta of September 19, this 1831 year” was given to the paper by Bichurin’s bibliographers later. The reason for writing this small note was a language examination at the School of Chinese Language in Kiakhta on September 13, 1831. Bichurin himself was teaching at that School for 18 months in 1830–1831 and for one year in 1835–1836. The note is remarkable for one of the earliest mentions of the contact border language — the Kiakhta (Maimaicheng) pidgin and the first introduction of 15 phrases from it.


Irina Popova

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6327-3079

Director, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

俄罗斯联邦, St. Petersburg


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