To Semantics of an Astral Metaphor in the Persian Medieval Texts





The paper deals with attribution on the meaning of an astral metaphor in Persian text related to the miniature, which occurs in the Album murakka (17th cent.) from the Carl Faberge fund, now in the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. While analyzing on characteristics of planet Saturn (Kewan) in Zoroastrian Pahlavi compositions and variations of astral metaphor in Iranian national epos Shah-name, the author comes to conclusion, that calligraph Ja‘far used a name Keywan in his distich for pursuit of two tasks: 1) to condemn imitation of Keywan’s abode on top of heads (see ill. 1); 2) to convey his belief that only God is veritable creator of Keywan as all the Universe.


Aliy Kolesnikov

Institute of Oriental Manuscripts RAS


Dr Sci. (History), Counselor of Institute of Oriental Manuscripts

俄罗斯联邦, Saint Petersburg


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