Information-measuring system of quantitative content of impurities present in the flow of oil

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It is considered the principle of action of the information-measuring system of the quantitative content of the impurities present in the flow of oil. The errors caused by the change of the velocity of propagation of acoustic waves and the uneven distribution of the speed of movement of the partial flow of oil.

About the authors

Konstantin L Kulikovsky

Samara State Technical University

(д.т.н., проф.), профессор, каф. информационно-измерительной техники; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Viktoria V Yakunina

Samara State Technical University

аспирант, каф. информационно-измерительной техники; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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