Identification of spatial distribution of internal heat sources in the inverse problem of thermal conductivity

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Identification of inside heat emission function is considered. Inverse heat conductivity problem be stated as an optimal control of object with distributed parameters under the restrictions of the set of control actions to the class of continuous and continuously differentiable functions. The problem reduces to a nonsmooth problem of mathematical programming, and solution is based on the special alternance method.

About the authors

Anna N Diligenskaya

Samara State Technical University

(к.т.н.), доцент, каф. автоматики и управления в технических системах; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University

Edgar Ya Rapoport

Samara State Technical University

(д.т.н., проф.), профессор, каф. автоматики и управления в технических системах; Самарский государственный технический университет; Samara State Technical University


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