Ultra-short pulse probing signals in near location systems

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The use of ultra-short pulse probing signals in radars and lidars can significantly increase the resolution and noise immunity of near location systems. This article compares three ultra-short pulse radar designs for near location systems and discusses their advantages, disadvantages and possible applications.

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About the authors

A. Ivantsov

АО «НПО «Поиск»

Email: FabrichniyMG@msc.npo-poisk.ru

Московский филиал, начальник отдела

Russian Federation, Москва

M. Fabrichny

АО «НПО «Поиск»

Author for correspondence.
Email: FabrichniyMG@msc.npo-poisk.ru

Московский филиал, к.т.н., старший научный сотрудник

Russian Federation, Москва

A. Fedorov

АО «НПО «Поиск»

Email: FabrichniyMG@msc.npo-poisk.ru

Московский филиал, к.т.н., директор

Russian Federation, Москва


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Oscillograms of the reflected signal measured on the SKI-radar altimeter layout: a - initial received reflected signal; b - signal after processing by the subtractive compensator (on the oscillograms the reflected signal impulse occurs at the moment of time 16 ns).

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3. Fig. 2. Specialized disk-cone antenna

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4. Fig. 3. Characteristics of the disk-cone antenna: a - dependence of VSWR on frequency; b - dependence of antenna gain on frequency

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5. Fig. 4. Graphs of dependence of detection heights on the entrance pupil radius for two values of albedo (0.5 and 0.09): a - at Wfp = 10-10 W/(cm∙Hz1/2); b - at Wfp = 10-11 W/(cm∙Hz1/2).

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6. Fig. 5. Structural scheme of SCI of optical rangefinder-lidar with combined transmitting and receiving channels

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Copyright (c) 2024 Ivantsov A., Fabrichny M., Fedorov A.

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