Editorial Policies

Aims and Scope

The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews on the current state of the most urgent problems of photonics and related sciences, brief notes, design solutions and product reviews of optical and photonic enterprises and companies, as well as scientific reports recommended by the program committees of the journal’s partner conferences.


  • Lasers & Laser Systems
  • Technological equipment and technologies
  • Additive Technologies
  • Optical-Electronic Systems & Complexes
  • Optoelectronic Instruments & Devices
  • Optical Devices & Systems
  • Materials & Coatings
  • Optical Measurements
  • Fiber-Optic Devices & Technologies
  • Laser Medicine
  • Biophotonics
  • Free-Space Optical Communication
  • Metatronics
  • Microwave Photonics
  • Quantum technologies
  • Metrology & Certification
  • Metrology & Metrological Equipment
  • History of Science & Technology
  • Scientometrics
  • Expert Opinion
  • Roundtable Discussion
  • Industrial Policy
  • A Running Commentary of Production
  • General industry problems. Events. Documentation
  • Business People
  • Conferences, exhibitions, seminars
  • News

The purpose of the journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA is to provide a connection between scientists, manufacturers, and users of equipment and technologies of various disciplines who share a common interest in optical and photonic systems and technologies, as well as to promote the development of scientific knowledge among young scientists.

The journal is addressed to a wide range of photonic technologies market professionals, scientists and technical specialists, students, and faculty members.

The journal PHOTONICS RUSSIA exhaustively covers issues associated with industrial photonics, phovoltaics, optical materials, and photonic technology components. The journal contains information on conferences, exhibitions, symposiums, and seminars relative to coherent and incoherent emission interactions with substances, optical processing, and information transfer.

Included in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications, category K2, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degree of Candidate of Sciences, for the scientific degree of Doctor of Science (as of October 12, 2023) should be published in the following specialties:

  • 1.3.6. Optics (technical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences);
  • 1.3.8. Physics of condensed matter (technical sciences, physical and mathematical sciences);
  • 1.3.19. Laser physics (technical sciences);
  • 2.2.5. Navigation devices (technical sciences);
  • 2.2.6. Optical and optical-electronic devices and complexes (technical sciences),
  • 2.6.5. Powder metallurgy and composite materials (engineering sciences).

The journal publishes original scientific articles and reviews on the current state of the most pressing problems of photonics and related sciences, short notes, design solutions, and reviews of products of optical and photonic enterprises and companies, as well as scientific reports recommended by the program committees of the journal's partner conferences. Materials are accepted that correspond to the profile of the journal and reflect the results of original scientific research into the technical solutions of the authors, as well as technologies for transferring the results of fundamental research into technology.

The editors invite you to publish original articles and reviews on topics such as: lasers and laser systems, elemental base of photonic technologies, fiber-optic systems and technologies, optical devices and systems, biophotonics, radiophotonics, and industrial photonics, including in the fields of powder metallurgy, application of functional coatings, materials processing, and 3D technologies. This list is not exhaustive. Work in the areas of photovoltaics, optoelectronic receivers, hyperspectral imaging, and remote sensing is encouraged. The results of scientific and technological research are of interest. The magazine also publishes short notes, product reviews, descriptions of experiments and research methods, and scientific proposals. For the publication of theoretical works, the main requirement is to translate the results into a form of presentation that is accessible to most readers.


Peer Review Process

  1. Review is the process of evaluative analysis of a scientific article submitted for publication in the Journal. A review comprises an independent written scientific work carried out by experts in the same subject area as that to which the reviewed work belongs.
  2. The mandatory review comprises the primary documentation of the examination conducted by the Editorial Board to determine the quality and conformity of the material with the scientific and thematic focus of the Journal.
  3. The Journal reviews all materials submitted to the Editors corresponding to the format and subject matter, with a view to their expert evaluation.
  4. Leading experts in the field of the peer-reviewed materials, who have published on a similar topic in the last three years, are invited to review articles.
  5. A reviewer cannot be the author or co-author of the work under review. Manuscripts may not be reviewed by employees of the same institution where the author works or studies in postgraduate or doctoral programs.
  6. The Journal uses double-blind review of submitted manuscripts. This means that the identities of reviewers and authors are concealed from each other throughout the review process. Any correspondence between the reviewer and the author takes place electronically via the Journal’s website.
  7. The submission of an article for review is notified by a letter signed by the head of the Editorial Board, in which the deadline for submitting the review (typically three weeks) is indicated. This period is further monitored. In some cases, the reviewer is also sent a memo about the rules for writing reviews.
  8. Based on the analysis of the article, the reviewer decides: a) to recommend the manuscript for publication without revision or with revision; b) to forward for additional review; c) to reject the manuscript for publication. The compiled review is submitted to the Editorial Board and its conclusions are recorded in electronic form.
  9. The Editorial Board sends the results of the examination to the authors of the submitted manuscript.
  10. In the case of an author disagreeing with the comments of the reviewer, his or her reasoned statement will be considered by the Editorial Board.
  11. Following revision based on the comments of the reviewer, the article is sent for re-review at the discretion of the Editorial Board.
  12. Reviews are stored in the Journal’s Editorial Office for five years and sent to the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on request.


Publication Frequency

The journal "Photonics Russia" is published 8 times a year.


Issue Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual issues. The following payment options and fees are available.

370.00 (USD)


Article Purchase

Readers without a subscription may still purchase individual articles. The following payment options and fees are available.

50.00 (USD)



The journal is indexed in:

  • Russian Center for Scientific Information
  • Russian Science Citation Index
  • Scopus
  • VINITI RAS (RZH 18L Optics and laser physics)
  • Chemical Abstracts
  • CrossRef
  • Google Scholar

Included in the international databases CA(pt)Chemical Abstracts, Scopus Scopus Q4 (2022):

  • CiteScore Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Q4
  • CiteScore Instrumentation Q4
  • CiteScore Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics Q4
  • CiteScore Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials Q4

Reflected in bibliographic databases of services:

  • Scilit (MDPI)
  • Wikidata
  • Scholia
  • Fatcat
  • DNB 1 / DNB 2


Publication Ethics

In their activities, the Editorial boards and Editorial collegiums and review team are guided by the requirements of adherence to publication ethics in the preparation and publication of journals produced by the ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA”. The international practice on the ethics of editing, reviewing, publishing, and authorship of scientific publications is observed by all participants in the editorial and publishing process—authors, editors, reviewers, and the publishing team creating all of our journals.

The editorial board monitors compliance with the ethics requirements based on the manuals prepared by domestic and international specialized organizations, associations, and publishers, as well as the Association of Science Editors and Publishers. The main standards relied on in ASSOCIATE PRINTING-AND-PUBLICATION CENTRE “TECHNOSPHERA” are those developed by the Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications, adopted by ASEP.

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