modification of the emotiogenous type of eating behavior

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The article presents psychotherapeutic approaches for the modification of emotiogenous eating behavior in patients
with overweight. Rational psychotherapy and hypnosis are used during the first treatment session modifying patients
emotional type. Neurolinguistic programming - reframing is conducted during the second treatment session. Neurolinguistic
programming of "anchor displacement" for training the indifferent response to food under stress condition is
performed during the third treatment session. Such succession of approaches has been found to be more efficacious.
These approaches enabled to reduce excessive body weight in our patients, and above all, to develop and maintain a
more rational mode of eating behavior.

About the authors

O I Khvostova

O I Khvostova


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Supplementary files

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Copyright (c) 2005 Khvostova O.I., Khvostova O.I.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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