A comprehensive approach to diagnosing cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex virus infections




It is well known that cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) are the agents persisting in the human organism and causing different diseases. The results of examination of individual groups of population of the Volgograd region for the presence of cytomegalovirus and herpes virus infections have shown that the importance of this problem is still great at present. Percentage of the detection of specific antibodies (Ig G) in ratioto CMV was 35-72 % and in ratioto HSV-59-100 %. The rates of antibodies titres varied from 1:200 to 1:3200. It was demonstrated that the successful diagnostics of CMV and HSV infections must include comprehensive examination of patients with simultaneous determination of antibodies titres in blood serum and detection of virus or its antigens in mucosal scrapes, formed elements, urine.


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版权所有 © Pashanina T.P., Napalkova G.M., Korsakova I.I., Somova V.V., Pashanina T.P., Napalkova G.M., Korsakova I.I., Somova V.V., 2005

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