Peculiarities of contractile activity of smooth ureteric muscies after colocystoplasty




The objective of this study was to research the peculiarities of stimulative and contractive ureteric activity in early postoperative patients with rectal cancer who had colocystoplasty. it was established that in such patients the bladder registered a regular high-amplitude electric activity of smooth muscles directed at preservation of contractive activity of the ureter and anterograde urinary tract. In the intestinal segment used for cystoplasty a drastic decrease in the specific weight of commissures potentials which indicates a lack of peristaltic waves in the urinary system and a decreased tone of the artificial blader.


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版权所有 © Kasatkin V.F., Kruglov S.V., Maksimov A.Y., Kasatkin V.F., Kruglov S.N., Maksimov A.J., 2005

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