Markers of endotoxicosis and antioxidative defence system in experimental pancreonecrosis




The objective of the research was to justify indications for application of antioxidants during experimental pancreonecrosis on the basis of estimation of intensity of lipid peroxidation processes and the condition of antioxidant system.
Erythrocytes, plasma, blood serum, tissues of pancreas and liver of dogs were used as substrates for the research. Ten healthy animals constituted the control group. The comparison groups were ten animals with the experimental pan-creonecrosis (12 hours for the 2nd group (5 dogs), 24 hours for the 3rd group (5 dogs). During all periods of the research in blood, tissues of pancreas and liver intensification of processes of lipid peroxidation and rise of the content of toxins of average molecular weight against a background of suppression of the antioxidant system were observed. In the liver tissue of the 3rd group dogs there was an increase of the glutathione content to initial level. A leading role of this organ in antioxidants supply by means of their synthesis and in lipid peroxidation regulation has been proved.


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