The effect of ferulic acid and phenibuton the contractility of the myocardium in acutealcoholic intoxication




The study revealed the cardiotoxic effect of 32 % ethanol solution in a dose of 8 g/kg after single intraperitoneal administration, which manifested itself as a reduction of inotropic resources of the heart when going through functional tests. The research showed that phenibut (50mg/kg) and ferulic acid (30 mg/kg) administered separately according to the following pattern (phenibut 25mg/kg+ ferulic acid 15 mg/kg) prevent the harmful effect of alcohol on the heart, increasing contractility of the myocardium.
The protective effect of the agents is ascribed to their antioxidant properties which are of great importance for preventing any damage of cardimyocyte and their mitochondria membranes.


V Perfilova

I Tyurenkov


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