Classification of hepato-renal syndrome in patientswith acute abdominal surgical pathology




There is no universal classification of hepato-renal failure in surgical patients nowadays which makes it
difficult to make clinical diagnosis and choose adequate methods of treatment. For the purpose of developing an up-todate
classification applicable to clinical practice, 1057 patients with AASP were studied. In 398 (37,6 %) cases hepatorenal
syndrome (HRS) developed. Development of classification of HRS was based on the main etiopathological factors,
nosological form and presence of additional etiopathological factors (i.e. acute intestinal failure, peritonitis and biliary hypertension).
In classification of HRS the time of development of HRS was considered, 3 degrees of severity were distinguished,
patients with primary failure of liver or kidney were noted. Development of classification of HRS in patients with
abdominal surgical pathology (AASP), taking into consideration modern criteria of hepato-renal failure, is applicable to
scientific analysis. This classification can be used in working with patients with different acute abdominal surgical diseases
and increases the effect of treatment.


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版权所有 © Zhidovinov G.I., Klimovich I.N., Matyukhin V.V., Milovanov A.B., Zhidovinov G.I., Klimovich I.N., Matyukhin V.V., Milovanov A.B., 2007

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СМИ зарегистрировано Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере связи, информационных технологий и массовых коммуникаций (Роскомнадзор).
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