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The article deals with the problems of implementation of public interests in the bidding, the topic is relevant, as there are many problematic issues related to the organization and conduct of bidding, which indicate the need for further comprehensive study and improvement of legal regulation of competitive methods of concluding a civil contract. The study used General scientific research methods: the method of deduction was combined with the method of induction, comparative legal analysis was carried out, the method of case analysis was used, the study used a statistical method of collecting information. The study is based on the writings of such scholars as: O. A. Belyaeva, D. A. Newskogo, V. Pecorino, K. V. Kuznetsov and others. The article is devoted to the definition of the features and role of public interests in the bidding. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that one of the effective methods of disciplining the bidder can be the establishment of the security of the contract with the maximum allowed by the current legislation. Need rules that would keep participants from the collapse of prices in order to win the auction one of the methods of solution could be the establishment of a maximum limit of decrease in prices relative to the MSPC for certain types of goods. Has been restated in the article the results of research showed that the implementation of public interests at trading requires further study and analysis.

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About the authors

Elena Fedorovna Tsokur

Southwest state University

PhD in Historical Sciences. Position: Associate Professor. Department: civil law chair. Kursk

Natalia Igorevna Platonova

MGIMO of the MFA of Russia

Department: legal bases of management chair.


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