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This scientific article studies the perspective direction of legal regulation within the concept of «future generations». The purpose of the study is to analyze and interpret this formulation mainly in the context of environmental law, focusing on the impact of adverse environmental and anthropogenic factors of the environment to assess the degree of legal elaboration of the problem of future generations. The importance of the problem is confirmed by numerous researches of domestic (M. V. Pchelnikov, E. V. Chulichkova, etc.) and foreign (Wolf Clark, Burns H. Weston, Laura Westra, etc.) authors. To achieve the stated goal, some normative legal acts from various branches of legislation are considered. Some moral, legal and bioethical problems - legal personality of the unborn person, legal status and legal protection of the embryo, the moment of the beginning of life, the moment of legal capacity and legal significance of the moment of conception are also touched upon.

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About the authors

Alexej Ruslanovich Melnikov

Don State Technical University (DSTU)



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