The place of fire training in the formation of the personality of a young police officer



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The purpose of this article is to summarize modern data on the location of such a section of professional training of a young employee of the internal affairs bodies as «Fire training». To solve this problem, on the basis of the classification given in the work, a comparative legal analysis of factors that reduce the quality of fire training of ATS employees, which can be divided into objective and subjective, as well as measures to overcome them, is carried out. A methodology is proposed for improving fire training in several directions, among which training with a minimum expenditure of time and ammunition, the development of activity and independence in solving fire problems. The author comes to the conclusion that police officers are called upon to carry out one of the most difficult types of human activity, the success of which is largely dependent on how much skills in using weapons are formed in the process of fire training. The results of such generalization and systematization can be used for further theoretical research, preparation of scientific works and for solving practical problems in the field of forming special knowledge of a police officer, in particular, determining tactics of using firearms in the framework of various exercises, comparing the skills formed among themselves.




Ratmir Gedugoshev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

lecturer at department of Fire Training Nalchik, Russia


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