The genesis of the criminal law prohibition as a means of social management

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The article deals with the emergence and development of such a socio-cultural phenomenon as prohibition. The author substantiates the conclusion that taboos and religious prescriptions were the forerunners of prohibition as a means of social management. The emergence and development of prohibition is associated with the formation of the prototype of the modern family and society. The early signaling system used by primitive people to communicate is also based on the prohibition of performing certain actions, which leads the author to the conclusion that culture arose as a result of the implementation of prohibitions in human society. The article provides examples of prohibitions contained in the sacred writings of world religions, which relate to different epochs of human history, but have one absolute similarity - the regulation of the life of a believer primarily with the help of a ban as a social regulator. The purpose of the study is to analyze the origins of the criminal law prohibition, to identify its ontological properties as a means of social management. This circumstance will allow us to develop rules for the adequate formation of a criminal law prohibition in the process of criminalization of acts at the present stage of the development of the Russian state. Conclusions. The criminal law prohibition originates from the primary means of social management, such as taboos and religious prescriptions. The importance of the genesis of prohibition is extremely high, since the origin of such phenomena as family, culture, and society is directly related to the emergence of prohibition and its development. The study of criminal law prohibitions and the mechanisms of its formation will allow us to identify the algorithm for creating adequate, socially-conditioned prescriptions in the criminal law

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About the authors

Nayil Talgatovich Idrisov

St. Petersburg institute (branch) of the All-Russian State University of Justice (RPA of the Ministry of Justice of Russia)

PhD (Law), Associate professor, Dean of the faculty of Law St. Petersburg, Russia


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  14. Дата обращения: 12.03.2021
  15.сура-комнаты/ Дата обращения: 12.03.2021
  16. Дата обращения: 12.03.2021

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