Termination of Criminal Case and Termination of Criminal Prosecution: Problems of Theory and Practice


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The article considers two relatively independent criminal procedural and legal institutions of the termination of a criminal case and (or) criminal prosecution. Taking into account the existing legislative gaps in the definition of the terminology of the institutions under study, the author draws attention to their genetic unity and the same nature. The positions of scientists on this issue are widely stated, their discussions are reflected, and as a result some creative conclusions are made. This given research also reveals the problems that arise in the practice while applying the provisions of these institutions, the so called “tricks" which prosecutors use just to increase the disclosure of the criminal cases in statistical reporting. By analyzing the problems of the termination of criminal prosecution the author of the article reveals the concept of «the criminal prosecution» itself and the forms of its existing in practice. This study also indicates the main directions of the improvement of efficiency of these legal institutions.

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Sobre autores

Aisha Gadzhieva

Dagestan State University of National Economy; Dagestan State University

Email: aisans@mail.ru
Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor, Associate professor of Criminal law and Criminology Department; Senior Researcher at the "Research Institute of Management, Economics, Politics and Sociology" Makhachkala, Russian Federation

Kara Karaev

Dagestan State University

Master student Makhachkala, Russian Federation


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