Piracy - the challenges of modern time

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The article deals with the issues of countering Maritime piracy in the international legal context. The author analyzes the concepts of piracy developed at the international level and the reasons for its occurrence. Summarizing the statistics and geography of modern Maritime piracy, the author classifies these crimes according to various criteria. The article analyzes international legal mechanisms aimed at countering piracy and the role of the Russian Federation in this process. As a result of the research, conclusions and recommendations for optimizing these mechanisms are formulated. The article deals with current problems contained in the legislative structure of norms that provide for criminal liability for piracy. Purpose of the article: This paper aims to study the problem of Maritime piracy. Develop recommendations to combat this category of crime. The authors aim to demonstrate and specify the existing gaps in Russian and international legislation. Methodology and methods: the article uses a comparative legal method of research, as well as a method of interpretation of legal norms, which allow us to better analyze the problem under consideration and determine the main directions of their solution. Conclusions: the problem of piracy is a global problem that requires coordinated efforts of the international community. Consideration of this crime from the point of view of the legislation of a particular state is impossible, as evidenced by the domestic practice of bringing to criminal responsibility under article 227 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Application of the results: this article may be of interest to students of higher educational institutions: bachelors, undergraduates, postgraduates who study this area of criminal law, but also this material may be of interest to teachers of law schools, can be used as a guide for the preparation of practical and seminar classes.

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About the authors

Zan Wang

Dalian Maritime University

Email: wangzan9@dlmu.edu.cn
Dr of Law, Associate Professor. Dalian, China

Anna Valerievna Serebrennikova

Moscow, Russia

Email: serebranna@hotmail.com
Dr of Law, Professor.

Maksim Vladimirovich Lebedev

Moscow, Russia

Email: 3g4g@mail.ru
Position: Analyst.


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